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For those of you who don't know, Dipper's confirmed real name is Mason.  That name will be used in this chapter.

Since Dipper had first learned how to use his powers of levitation he hadn't slowed down on his work for more, he'd only increased his efforts, rarely ever coming inside to eat.

"I'm worried about him," Ford stated, "ever since William came along Dipper hasn't relaxed once.  I don't even know what he's been up to because he's never home."

"He's an eighteen-year-old guy, he's probably up to no good but it'll be alright." Stan argued, continuing to sip his coffee and reading the newspaper.

"No, Gruncle Stan, I'm with Gruncle Ford on this. I mean, I'm happy for him, I really am, but he's been acting weird lately. He hasn't been telling me thinks like we used to and he hasn't even talked to anyone we knew before unless they've talked to him first. He's barely even talking to Wendy." Mabel said as she entered the room, able to hear the previous part of the conversation from the living room.

"See, it's not just me who thinks he's different.  It's that boy, there's something off about William. " Ford protested again.   While Stan did agree that there was something weird and oddly familiar about William, he just didn't want to agree with his brother and definitely not with Mabel.    He did that once when she was younger and he could never live it down.

"Let the boy live, he's eighteen.  He'll figure it out one way or another." Stan took a sip of his coffee and continued reading the paper.   Mabel, however, was not going to give this up.   She'd seen Dipper leave with William earlier this morning, although she didn't know where they went, she intended to find out what was going on.   
Grabbing her things she heading out of the shack, heading North and hoping she'd be able to help her twin.

She was walking for about fifteen minutes in the same direction she was when she left.   It seemed hopeless like she wouldn't be able to find Dipper in the middle of this forest, at least, until she heard his voice.  He was talking to someone who she assumed to be William but heard the name that she'd never thought she'd hear again.

"Of course you could do this quickly, Bill, you're literally a demon, I was even able to do this until three days ago.  It's no doubt that I'm not very good at controlling where I go yet."  
Mabel hid behind a tree and watcher in awe as her brother, who was levitating a foot of the ground, was moving around near William.   The strangest thing wasn't her brother floating though, it was the fact that he was talking to Bill Cipher.

"C'mon Pinetree, it's not that hard." William - or Bill, whoever he was, teased in a mocking voice, also levitating but in circles around Dipper who was struggling to keep his balance.  Mabel soon started to connect the dots that William was in fact not William at all, rather, he was Bill Cipher.   He was the demon who tried to destroy the Pines family, he tried to control Gravity Falls, almost caused the death of hundreds of people, yet here Mabel's twin brother was working with him.

She was hurt, her own brother had stopped telling her what was going on and was working with a demon.   If the story about them dating was true, then she didn't know what she'd do.   Dipper had always been obsessed with Bill after what happened, even getting a tattoo of the Cipher Wheel despite Mabel advising that it was a bad idea.  She never would have been able to guess that it could have been because of hidden feelings for the demon.
She didn't bother staying, she knew that her family had to learn about this before it got out of control, so Mabel planned to do exactly that, turning and running back in the opposite direction towards the shack.

"Did you hear something?" Dipper asked, dropping to the ground from his levitation.   He could have sworn that he heard a twig snap followed by some footsteps.

Bill dropped down as well.  He'd heard the sounds aswell but due to being a demon he'd assumed it was just far away sounds that he'd managed to hear with enhanced hearing but when Dipper brought it up he realized that the sounds were, in fact, close.
"Ya, I'd hoped it was just me since people shouldn't learn what we're doing yet."  He sighed, "The steps seem like they're getting further away in the other direction towards the shack."

Dipper's heart dropped, "We should go back."    Bill noticed the worry in Dipper's voice and facial expression so he reached over, lacing their fingers together.
Since the kiss, the two had gotten closer, both obviously realizing they had mutual feelings for each other but nothing had been made official and there had been no kisses since, just some hugs and holding hugs here and there.  They had more important things to do right now and both knew that a relationship would get in the way.

Dipper knew that the situation was bad when he and Bill had gotten back to the shack and saw both of his Gruncle's and Mabel sitting out on the deck waiting for the two of them.

"Hey guys, everything okay?" He asked, knowing very well that it wasn't alright.

"Why didn't you tell us that Bill Cipher was back?" Ford glared at Dipper, something that rarely ever happened.

"What are you talking about?" Dipper scratched at the back of his neck, feeling a familiar pressure in his head from the stress,

"You're working with Bill Cipher and you didn't tell us.   You now somehow have powers and you didn't tell us." Mabel finally looked up at Dipper, previously she was looking down at her hands anxiously.   She'd been hoping that what she saw was fake but soon realized it wasn't and that she needed to confront her brother.
"You didn't tell me."

"Dipper, you know how dangerous he is.  He tried to kill us, she tried to take over Gravity Falls.  He's a demon, what on Earth makes you think that you can trust him?"  As Ford spoke about Bill Dipper could see the demon slowly hunching his shoulders and bowing his head, slowly sinking into himself, obviously ashamed of what he'd done in the past.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not working with Bill." Even though he knew that his family now knew the truth he still hoped that he could convince them otherwise.  He feared that if they knew then they'd get drawn into the mess that brought Bill here in the first place, he hoped he could keep them safe from the demons that were inevitably coming to Gravity Falls.

"Stop lying, Mason!" That's when Dipper realized he couldn't keep up this act.  Mabel never used that name,  he'd been going by the nickname Dipper for so long that the old name sounded odd, especially from his sister.  It wasn't that he didn't go by it anymore, it's that he had so many bad memories attached to it that he'd abandoned it.   It was now only used in serious situations, even then it was rare.
"You're my twin. We're supposed to tell each other everything, we always did.  I don't understand, Mason, do you not trust me?"

"I did tell you Mabel, you didn't listen to me.  You told me it was impossible, of course, I wouldn't tell you after you told me it couldn't be real.-"  Dipper was cut off and couldn't finish his thoughts.

"It was me."  Bill spoke up, stepping forward to defend Dipper, "I told him he shouldn't tell anyone because of the backlash and the confusion.   He also didn't want to hurt anyone because of it."  

"And who are you?" Stan asked, his arms crossed over his chest from anger and hurt about the situation with his great-nephew.

"I'm Bill Cipher,"

I'm so sorry that this is late, I've been dealing with a lot lately but I'm back!    Happy New Years Day and welcome in 2020.

I was thinking of creating another fanfiction while continuing this fanfiction of course.   I've fallen back into My Hero Academia and Yuri on Ice and want to write a soulmates fanfiction of either:

Bakugo x Deku, Bakugo x Kirishima, or Todoroki x Deku (All from My hero Academia).  
Victor x Yuri or Yurio x Otabek (From Yuri on Ice)

Please if any of you like any of those ships tell me which one to write.  I'll decide based on your answers

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