What the heck ben!

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"You shouldn't have done that" someone whispered to me, instantly I grabbed the voices hand and flipped him forward just missing the stairs.
"SHEESH! I was just playing with you!" It was Ben. "That's what you get for sneaking up on someone" I was just playing with you, it's my pranking day!all I have left is Sally" he smirked "oh I wouldn't do that, slender man will kill you if you hurt her" i simply told him knowing he wouldn't listen.
"Pfthhhh it'll be harmless, but uh I would check out LJ if you wanna laugh" he causally waved his hand and walked off to Sally's pink door. He opened it and disappeared in and not even 5 minutes later Sally runs out screaming but didn't turn and ran right into LJ's black/white door and collapsed onto the floor unconscious. LJ swings his door open and I gasped so loud. "(Y/n) what happened!?!?" LJ asked concerned. I pointed to his hair and tugged it. He went to the bathroom and screamed "BEN! IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He came out and growled. I picked up Sally and walked to LJ who looked upset. "LJ what's wrong?" Ben had dyed his hair a red/orange. LJ looked up, "it's nothing just memories of someone..." He looked away.
"oh...ok..well will you help me find slender man cause...Ben pranked Sally and she ran into your door and hard."
"Sure lets go." He waved to follow.
I followed him downstairs and into the living room to see slender man talking to toby and midnight. We walked over and tapped on his shoulder."what?" He simply said." Slendy Sally passed out due to running into the door due to Ben scaring the living hell out of her." LJ explained. Slender man abruptly turned around "WHAT! Ben!!!! You've lost video games for two weeks!" Ben groaned and Slender man screamed and took Sally."I'll take her to dr.smiley and LJ what's wrong with your hair?" LJ looked away and mumbled Ben had done it.... LJ and slender man walked off in different directions leaving me alone.AHHHH! I heard a loud scream come from upstairs. I ran up there to see EJ and masky standing in the hall pointing at each other?
"You're me!"
"No your me!"
"SHUT UP!" I screamed and they stopped I pulled off both of their masks for them to see their masks had been switched."U-uh?" Masky was confused while EJ just laughed.
" Ben did it cause it's his pranking day" I quoted him as I told them both to simply say ohhhhhh and smirk saying that they were gonna prank him back. Then leaving again. I shrugged and walked down the hall to see what else chaos Ben created today.

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