011 ; similar feelings

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「chapter eleven 」

"i couldn't help but notice how kind and sweet she actually is when i was interviewing her

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"i couldn't help but notice how kind and sweet she actually is when i was interviewing her. i really hope she succeeds her dream on becoming joseons sweetheart, that being said joseon is in need for comfort" you finish reading the article hyuk had wrote

"its good, isn't it?" hyuk asks as he noticed your smile, you look at him and nod

"you're a good writer" you complete, "of course. im a report after all. even though we're losing our country, no one can take my words away from me. if i can't write, ill be no different from a ghost.. i hope my articles and writing will help joseon into independence" hyuk admits as he drinks his coffee

"both of us are somehow wanting to fight for our country, only ill do it with singing and you write" you state as you look down at the coffee

hyuk nods, "that's correct" hyuk says snapping his fingers as he rests his elbow onto the table leaning closer to you

"i want to help the country.. and i don't want to do it myself" you start as you slowly look at hyuk who already had his eyes on you, "let's work together, and let's not give up on our country together" you finish holding your hand out for him to take

hyuk looks at your hand and chuckles as he takes your hand without hesitation. you smile brightly causing hyuks heart to flutter


"so, tell me more about yourself.. i mean if we want to work together we have to know each other" hyuk say's

the two walk down the streets of joseon side by side, it was already becoming dark. "ive been living in japan most of my life, even when i was born here. i have a best friend whose becoming a singer in japan, with the help of my boyfriend.." you begin explaining

hyuk looks at you and noticed how your smile became a sad one, and your eyes became slightly glossier than they normally are.
"now that i think about it.. i miss him. my days have become more boring not seeing him.." you mutter looking at the floor kicking small pebbles

"you can cry" hyuk starts, you look at hyuk with glossy eyes, "..can you hug me for a bit?" you ask

hyuk nods and takes a step closer to you wrapping his arms around you, "missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are a day closer to the next time you will. love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close to heart" hyuk spoke as he lightly patted your back

after staying like that for a couple of minutes you finally pull back wiping your tears. you sniff and smile, hyuk watched you as you continue to smile. "how can you still manage to smile after you cry..?" hyuk asks with a small chuckle

".. it's just, you remind me a lot of seungwon" you mutter

you barely met hyuk yesterday and it feels like you two have known each other for so long. you noticed hyuk is a lot similar to seungwon. both of them write, both of them laugh a lot. both of them are living a joyful life.

"i apologize.." you mutter once again sniffing

"letting a person come into your heart. even if it's just for a brief moment, i believe such a thing is meaningful. let's just keep the truth between us, okay? thats what friends do" hyuk states

you smile and nod. hyuk admires that of you, even when you're sad you stills continue to smile.

"anyways, why did your boyfriend stay in japan?" hyuk asks, "he.. stayed to help my best friend make an album" you shortly reply

hyuk furrows his eyebrows, "don't you feel jealous?"

"ani, i trust them both" you reply

hyuk nods in understandment, "what about you?" you ask, "what about me?" hyuk asks with confusion

"your love life" you explain, "ohhh, well..." hyuk starts

hyuk stays silent for the first couple seconds, "i guess i could say my love for this girl was only a one sided" hyuk starts

you look at hyuk who was no longer looking at you, you could see the sadness in his eyes. "i expressed my love to her by writing her poems" hyuk says chuckles, "i remember spending my time thinking on what kind of poems to give her"

that explains why he's so good with his words..

you think to yourself. "and when i confessed to her she didn't take it seriously. she only said she saw me as a friend that's all, her words were harsh to me.. her words broke me. i stopped giving her poems, and she didn't seem to care that we were only growing apart. writing was the way i expressed my feelings" hyuk explains as he sighs

"shes married now, she really forgot me while she left me suffering" hyuk continues as he smiles sadly, "im doing better now, just i don't pay much attention to my love life now.. i only pay attention on my writing" hyuk says smiling

you could see the sadness through his smile, now it was your turn to comfort him.

"human beings hearts change, that's their specialty. forever? there's no such thing. love, then hate. hot, then cold. upset, then grateful. full resentment, then understanding. and it goes on.. i guess that's how life works" you say

your words hit hyuk. hyuk seems like the person who doesn't care much, but deep inside he really does. behind his jokes and smiles comes the sadness from his past love life.

the sadness he continued to ignore not wanting to remember what had happened.

"why are we getting emotional, im usually not like this" hyuk says with a small laugh looking around

"at least we got closer" you say with a smile

hyuk nods with a smile. a new friendship was made. a friendship you wish to keep for a long time.

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