The begining of a legend

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???'s pov

It all started on a cold foggy night in Slumbering Weald, a little girl had lost her way and I walked up to her she was almost at her last breath but I just a spirit wandering the forest could do nothing to aid her. She was frightened and had been attacked by a few wild Pokemon, but what I wanted to know was why this little girl was here in the first place. She then fell to the ground and I sighed softly. "What are we gonna do?" My brother asked me as he walked up behind me "Zamazenta there's nothing we can do we are only the spirits of Pokémon that were heros in the past." I say "yes but Zacian you can give her your power and she would live" he says and I look down "yes I could but you know that would change how she looks drastically, if she had a family they may not even be able to recognize her." I say "Yes but what if they find her like this, life less and cold? Wouldn't that be worse?" He asks "I guess you're right but bring me the rusted sword would you?" I ask him and he nods before running off to fetch the sword. I inch closer to the little girl and turn her over with my snout. She had light orange hair and a small cut on her cheek that would most likely become a scar. "I will give you memories of this place so that when you are older, I can see you once again" I say and let out a howl as the girl gets surrounded by a blue light. Once it fades she did indeed look completely different she had light blue hair that was the same color as my fur and orange braids in the front that matched mine as well. "I'm back with the sword" I hear my brother say and he sets it down in front of me. I put my paw on it and break a little piece off so that it was in the shape of a little sword. "She will need a piece of the sword if she is to reach full power one day." I say and slide the sword shaped piece of the sword into the girls palm. "Now we wait for someone to find her but we must hide." I say to my brother and he nods as we disappear into the fog. "There that must be her!" A woman's voice yells and I watch as an older lady and two younger girls run to the girl that I had found and picked her up. I then smile and go further into the forest as I hear the woman say "Thank you Zacian"

Five years later

Ceras pov~
It was my tenth birthday and I couldn't stop smiling as my best friend Hops older brother Leon had just came over to celebrate with his best friend Raihan. They were both fifteen and doing the gym challenge, Leon with his charmander and Raihan with his Trapinch. Im really close with both of them but I think I'm closer to Raihan there was just something that I couldn't describe. I'm then snapped out of my thoughts by my younger sister who was holding a present for me. "Happy birthday big sis!" Kaira shouts and I smile before taking the gift from her. She was like me a poke human but at least we knew what she was she was a shiny nickit pokehuman. But I had no idea what I was. I then notice that my Grandmother also had a present and I walk over to her. "Happy birthday my little wolfie" she says and hands me the small box she was holding. I open it and take out a small charm that was in the shape of a sword. "Take this necklace and cherish it, it's worth more than you think my dear." She says and I smile as she puts it on me. "Thank you grandma" I say and hug her "hey Cera!" I hear someone shout and I look to see Raihan who was waving for me to come over. "What is it Raihan?" I ask him and he hands me a pokeball. "I caught this for you happy birthday!" He shouts and I let the Pokémon out and it was a pink yamper. "Awww! She's so cute!" I say and hug her. She licks my cheek and I start to giggle as I look at her "you know what I think I'll call you Zooma" I say and smile

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