Getting to the first gym

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Kiaras pov~
We had just made it through the galar mine and I was getting nervous as I didn't think I was ready to challenge the first gym "Cmon lets go train some more before we get to the first gym" I say and Cera smirks "how about me and Hop go on ahead while you and Bede train?" she asks me and I glare at her "that sounds good" Bede says and I look at him "does it?" I ask and he smiles at me "yeah of course" he says and I smile "well okay see you two at the gym then" I say and wave at Hop and Cera as they walk off "so how do you befriend a pokemon?" I ask him "well it's really easy just try and be friends with them." Bede says "Oh they always just run away from me," I say "well let me see if I can help" he says and looks around "oh what about that one?" he asks and he was pointing to a toxel that was normally purple but this one was pink. "That one is so cute!" I say and smile as we walk over to it  "hey little girl c'mere" he says and she waddles over to him and he hands her a berry. She takes it and eats it then he hands me a berry "now it's your turn" he says and I bend down to hand her the berry "Hey there" I say and smile as she takes the berry from me she eats it and then licks my hand. "Aww you're so cute" I say and she chirps happily "wanna be my partner?" I ask her and she nods before touching one of my pokeballs and going into it. It shakes three times then clicks and I smile before letting  her out. "How about a nickname?" I ask her and she looks at me. "How about Roxie?" I ask and she nods well cmon Roxie lets go train some!" I say and she lets out a happy cry "Thank you so much Bede" I say and smile before hugging him, he hugs back and when I pull away I run off to train with Roxie,Vixen, and Wave. "hey wait up!" Bede says and runs after me. After training for about an hour me and Bede head to Turrifield and to the gym to challenge Milo to a battle for the Grass badge.  "Hey Kiara!" I hear Cera shout and I smile as she was running up to me "hey Cera" I say and she smiles as she was holding out her grass badge "Me and Zooma beat Milo!" she says and then I notice Hop who was running behind her "did Hop beat it to?" I ask her "yep! Now you and Bede need to beat it but don't worry me and Hop can cheer you on!" Cera says and I smile well cmon lets go to the gym" I say and we all walk to the gym when we get in there Cera and Hop went to sit on the bleachers while me and Bede went to one of the rooms to change into our gym uniforms. When we walk out I smile "well it's you first then me to challenge Milo" I say and Bede nods before turning to walk onto the battlefield "good luck!" I yell after him and smile when I hear him yell thank you back to me. I decided to just wait in the challenger room and start to plan my strategy wave probably wasn't the best choice since her weakness is grass so maybe I could go with Vixen as my main attacker following up with Roxie who knows a fire move. I'm then snapped out of my thoughts when I hear one of the staff members who told me that I was on in five minutes and that the challenger had won the match. "Alright i'm gonna win" I say and stand up then begin walking to the field and I smile when I see Milo. "are you ready to battle?" he asks and I smirk as I send out Vixen "Yep let's go" He then sends out gossifluer "alright use razor leaf" he says "dodge Vixen!" I say and she dodges  "alright now use crunch!" I shout she then lands a critical hit and gossifluer faints. "Good one now lets see if you can beat this one!" he shouts and sends out eldegoss "Vixen use crunch once more!" I shout but then she stops "oh this isn't all "lets go Eldegoss dynamax!" He shouts and returns eldegoss before the pokeball becomes bigger and he sends out eldegoss which was now five times bigger. "Guess I should dymax to then" I say and dynamax Vixen then the battle continues. "Alright Vixen use max darkness!" I say and she uses it. "Eldegoss use Max overgrowth!" Milo yells and eldegoss uses it landing a critical hit but Vixen is still standing strong. "Vixen finish this use Max flame!" I shout and shes uses it landing a critical hit and it makes the eldegoss faint. Milo then returns it and I smile as everyone was cheering for me "congratulations Kiara you beat me and earned yourself the Grass badge" he says and he hands me the badge and we both leave the field and I go to change back into the outfit that Cera had bought for me.  "You did amazing" I hear someone say and I turn around to see Bede "Thank you" I say and smile "you did!" Cera shouts and hugs me tightly "i'm so proud of you," she says and I Hug her back "thanks but c'mon I'm tired and want to get to the next town before we take a break" I say and Cera smiles "well let's go then" she says and we head to the next town passing through route five until we managed to arrive in Hulbury home of the water type gym and it's leader Nessa.

A wolfs sword حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن