Seeing him again

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Ceras pov~

It was now the next day and I had just gotten dressed I was wearing a pair of black shorts with my blue hoodie zipped up and I had my hair down and didn't bother braiding the orange parts of my hair. I skip on my black boots and wake up Zooma who stretches and gets off the bed. "Cmon girl we need to go before the ceremony starts" I say and smile as we leave meeting up with Hop and Kiara. To my surprise though she was with that same guy and she was smiling as she ran up to me. "Hey Cera!" She shouts and I smile "well I see you got along with this guy" I say and she smiles more "yep Bede this is my sister Cera, Cera this is Bede" she says "it's nice to meet you" I say "likewise" he says and we head to the gym for the ceremony hen we walked in we were all required to change into our gym uniforms but after we change we all walk into the field to start the ceremony. "Alright I know everyone is excited for this ceremony!" Rose shouts and everyone in the crowd starts cheering.  "Alright well let's meet all of the gym challengers shall we?" he asks and everyone cheers louder. "Here they are!, first up little brother of our very own champion Hop!, Next the middle granddaughter of our very own professor, Cerulean!" he says and everyone stops cheering when they see me "hey everyone I know I'm a freak but I love the thrill of battles and making friends with my partners so I hope you understand I'm not doing this to make myself look better-" I'm cute off by someone in the crowd "GO! That's courage right there" she says and I smile "thank you" I say and everyone starts cheering again "also I wanna introduce the next contestant if that's okay with you chairman?" I ask and he nods "next up is my little sister, youngest granddaughter of the professor and amazing sister Kiara!" I say and everyone starts cheering again when she walks out. "Alright what a show of family that's nice to see am I right?" Rose asks the crowd and they were cheering so loud I didn't think they could get any louder. "Next is Bede who was endorsed to be in the gym challenge by myself and Marnie who was endorsed by the dark type gym leader." he says and they walk out "Cera!" I hear Kiara shouts and she hugs me tightly "thank you!" she shouts again and I smile as I hug her back "anything for my little sister" I say and she lets go off me as the gym leaders were now being announced. "First up Milo grass type leader of the Turrifield gym!" Rose says and Milo walks out "next Nessa water type gym leader of the Hulbury gym along with Kabu fire type gym leader of the Motostoke gym, which is this very gym!" Rose says and everyone starts cheering more as they walk out. "Next up the shy ghost type gym leader of Stow-on-side Allister! Along with the tough fighting type gym leader of the same town Bea!" Rose shouts and they walk out "These two are a tag team gym so they are the leaders of the same gym be careful bringing dark types to counter ghost because fighting counters dark!" He shouts "alright up next the mysterious fairy gym leader of Ballonlea Opal!" he says and she walks out "alright our next gym is the second and final tag team gym the gym leaders are Melony the ice type gym leader and Gordie the Rock type gym leader they are in Circhester!" he shouts and they walk out "The next gym leader is unfortunately not here today but it is the dark type gym leader Pier! And Finally the strongest gym leader here today the dragon type specialist of the Hammerlock gym Raihan!" rose shouts and everyone starts cheering even more but I notice his eyes land on me and light up just a little bit. "Alright folks who do you think is gonna challenge our champion this year for the prize of champion?" Rose asks and then dismisses everyone as the ceremony ends and we walk back to the locker rooms to change. "So?" Kiara asks me "I'll admit it was nice to see him again" I say and we finish changing before walking out and I smile when Zooma rubs against my leg whining. "Hey what's wrong girl?" I ask and that's when I hear someone in front of me talk a voice I hadn't heard in five years "she's probably missing me don't ya think?"

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