The fourth gym battle

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Ceras pov~
We were now in stow on side and we had just walked up to the gym and I walk in followed by Hop who was gonna join me in the partner battle. We then see the gym leaders Bea and Allister who were ready to battle as the sent out polteaguist and bewear. I send out Watt and Hop sends out his raboot and we begin the battle "Watt use thunder fang on the polteageist" I shout "raboot use ember on the bewear!" Hop shouts and they both attack landing direct hits "Watt dodge the next attack and use crunch on the polteageist!" I say and she uses it making the polteageist faint. Hops Pokémon also gets knocked out by Beas bewear so he sends out Wooloo whole Allister sends out gengar. "Gengar gigantimax" Allister whispers and gengar gigantimaxs letting out a roar "now use max phantitism" he says and it knocks out Watt. I then send out Zooma and she dynamaxs. Zooma use max darkness!" I shout and she uses it making the gengar faint. "Alright bewear use focus punch" Bea shouts and it does but it doesn't do much damage. "Zooma let's end this use max fairy star!" I shout and it knocks out the bewear making me and hop win. "Alright we won!" We shout and smile as we are awarded our choice of either the ghost badge or fighting badge. I chose the ghost badge and smile as we walk out to heal our Pokémon. "That was a good battle I'm glad we won" I say "yeah we do make a good team" Hop says and walk out of the Pokémon center and meet up with Bede and Kiara who had just beat the gym. "So how did it go?" I ask "it was great we won!" Kiara shouts and I smile "well I'm glad you won but cmon let's head to glimwood tangle and then to the fifth gym." I say but I'm stopped by Raihan who had just walked up to us. "You mean you aren't gonna spend more time with me before ya leave?" He asks and gives me a pouty face "I would but I need to head to the next gym-" I'm then cut off by Kiara who pushes me forward "she would love to hang out with you I bet she wouldn't mind going to your place we're it's just the two of you" she says and smirks "well do you mind because it's the best place to talk without fans getting in the way" he says and I hide the blush that was growing on my cheeks. "I-I don't mind at all" I say wishing I hadn't stuttered "well cmon then!" He shouts giving me a toothy grin and grabbing my hand before dragging me to his house. When we get to it he open the door and I walk in. "Nice place you got" I say and take off my shoes leaving me in my purple thigh high socks. "Thanks it's actually pretty cheep for the money I make" he says and takes out his phone and lets it float beside him. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I ask him and he smiles softly "just wanted to talk ya know I'm peace without being cut off by fans who now ship us together" he says "oh I've heard the rumors about us I'm surprised your not completely agianst it saying she isn't even my type" I say looking down "uh yeah that's the problem your exactly my type" he says and I look at him did he mean? "I love it when people say we look cute together and honestly I just wish I could have you to myself but you probably think that's weird" he says and I smile as I hug him my arms wrapping around his upper waist since he was almost two foot taller then me me being 5,1. He bends down to hug me back and I smile as I grab the front of his hoodie and into a kiss pulling away right after I heard his phone click. "Really?" I ask it and I hear the rotom snickering "well I guess you love me back?" He asks me and I give him a dumbfounded look "I just kissed you didn't I?" I ask him and he starts blushing as he pulls me closer with a grin on his face. "Also I posted the picture" he says and I groan as he shows it to me "you better be glad your cute in it" I say and begin reading the comments

Nickitloverkiara - it's about time!!!! My otp!!!!
Nessa- didn't relize the dragon had a crush but very cute

Then I read some of the bad comments from some of his fans

???: she's so ugly you could do so much better than that freak.

???: yeah she's not even pretty looks more like a muk.

"Don't listen to them" he says and pulls me closer "why do you love me you do deserve better" I say and look down but he makes me look back up at him. "Your my world and my treasure and after all a dragon protects his treasure. He says and I smile before falling asleep in his arms

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