An offer to think about

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Ceras pov~
We had just got to motostoke and we were walking up to the budew inn where we would stay for the night when I'm stopped by the gym leader of motostoke Kabu himself. "Your Cera right?" He asks me "yes why?" I ask him "I would like you to come to to my locker room after our battle tomorrow" he says and walks away leaving me to wonder what he wanted with me. "Hey Cera cmon lets go!" I hear Kiara call out to me and I follow her and walk into the inn. When I was settled in my room I had changed into my pajamas and was now laying on my bed. I wonder if Raihan knows what this is all about. I say to myself and decide to take out my rotom phone and text him.

(This is how I do texts)

C- hey are you up?
R- yeah what's up?
C- Kabu he asked for me to come to his locker room after the match tomorrow do you know why?
R- I've heard rumors he is looking for a gym leader to replace him so he can retire maybe he wants to ask you that?
C- but why me
R- because you're focusing on one type not many trainers do that
C- oh well anyway what have you been up to?
R- nothing much just pleasing the fans I guess
C- oh I guess many girls must have a crush on you since your the last and strongest gym leader and all
R- they probably do but I have my eye on a certain girl though she probably doesn't even feel the same as me.
C- don't say that any girl would be lucky to have you but I'm gonna get some rest talk to you later
R- good night
C - night

And as soon as I sent the last text I felt my eyes closing as I couldn't wait to see what Tomorrow had in store.

The next day

I watched as Kabu's gigantimax centascorch fainted and I had won the match earning myself the fire badge. Kiara and hop had already earned it along with Bede and I was now walking into the locker room. I see Kabu who was smiling at me "hey Cera" he says and I sit beside him on the bench. "So what was it you wanted to ask me?" I ask him "I want you to take over my gym after you beat all of the other gyms" he says and my eyes widen "you really want me to?" I ask him "yes you specialize in electric types right I can remodel the gym for you and even make you an outfit if you accept" he says and I think about it I never really wanted to be champion but becoming a gym leader sounded like fun. "I... I let me talk to my sister first and then I'll
Give you an answer" I say and grab my phone before walking over to the lockers and calling Kiara. "Hey what's up Cera?" She asks me "I uh need your opinion on something" I say and she lets out a hum to let me know she was listening. "Kabu just asked me to take over his gym after I beat all the gym leaders what should I say?" I ask her "go for it I think if you wanna be a gym leader than you should" she says and I smile before thanking her and hanging up. "So?" He asks me and I smile as I say yes.

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