Chapter 1:UA's Entrance Exam.(Part 1)

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"Papa!Where are you?"

The young teen knew how her 'father' hates early mornings.Especially,after he had his nightly patrols.Being an Underground Hero is definitely a tiring job,considering the fact your shift takes up the majority of your usual sleeping schedule.The teen will never understand how her parent is casually doing just fine despite only sleeping a few short hours before heading off to his daily work.

Maika Aizawa would never stop being both impress and concerned.After being adopted nine years ago,by Shouta Aizawa;Pro Hero EraserHead, she never thought that the world of heroes would actually be that tiring.But it does make sense,knowing how stubborn villains can be.

Living with a pro hero would seem like the best thing that could happen,right?Not in Maika's case.

Her lifestyle with her single parents was quite...normal.
She would wake up,have breakfast,do some homeschooling and such,do whatever she could to entertain herself and just spend the rest of the day with her Father.Simple,right?

That's when she heard how Shouta had expelled his entire class on the first day of school last year.The first day.
Maika was not only shocked to hear what her Father did,but was somewhat happy that Shouta would be able to spend time with her often.And yes,when they mean 'spending time together',they meant they would take occasional naps and play dates with the cats.

Shouta didn't think this 13 year old girl would the light of his life.His friends definitely knew he wasn't interested in raising a child.So when they discovered the little girl Shouta saved,They Immediately began to pester him and make sure his Daughter was in good shape.Not only did they did that to pester him,but they also did it so that could spend time with their niece.

As much as Shouta was annoyed with their shenanigans,he was thankful he had someone to watch over his problem child while he was away.

Now back to the present...

Maika peeped into Shouta's room to see the man sitting up on his bed,lazily rubbing his eyes."O-Ohayō,papa...",she greeted,sending him a soft smile.

"Ohayō,Maika..."He replied,finally getting off the bed and making his way to the door Maika stood in.

"S-sorry...I woke you up p-pretty early..."The adult ruffled Maika's hair as she spoke."Its fine,don't worry.Anyways,I'll go ahead and get ready."

The teen nodded as she went back to the kitchen.Being the Niece of one of Shouta's friends has its perks.Thanks to her silly,but sweet Aunt,Maika has the knowledge of cooking.Back in the day when she was just a little girl,the usual meal they would have was instant noddles.

Chiyo And Nemuri wouldn't stop scolding the raven-haired for feeding the child preservatives half the time.Yeah,they didn't have a healthy diet for nearly a year.


Maika looked down to see the pretty ginger cat rubbing it's being on the girl's legs,purring and meowing."F-Felix...are you hungry..?"
She hears another meow in response,"A-Alright.I Guess I could feed you now.".

She grabbed some canned cat food from the cupboards,pouring its content into the feline's food bowl.As the cat,Felix, went over to eat,Maika couldn't help but watch.

It's hard to believe this beautiful ginger cat was once a skinny,dirty stray.Little Maika was filled with kindness that day,that she begged Shouta to adopt the frail kitty.Of course,he agreed.They were both cat lovers and it's difficult to say no toward the 'face' Maika made.

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