Chapter 5:USJ(part 3)

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Suddenly,the warp gate was completely taken down by a familiar face,"Shōji!?",Iida thought.

"Go!Hurry!"Shōji yelled as he grasped the warp gate,trying to immobilise it.He was buying Iida time to escape.

Iida was finally back to running towards the gate,trying his best to speed up his running again."Hold on everyone!"He thought to himself,but it seemed Kurogiri isn't having it.

"You little fool...!I won't let you out!"He yelled as he began to chase after the class president.Like a cat chasing a mouse.

Ochako saw what was going on and noticed a metal item,surrounded by the mist."You're annoying glass boy.Die!"He spoke out as he started to hover over Iida,presumably going to scatter him.


"PAPA!"Maika yells as she realised the Monster wasn't holding her anymore.She got up from the ground and tried to run towards her father,but a tight grip on the wrist caught her.Maika yelps in fear,looking back to see what had grabbed her.

Shigaraki was holding her wrist with his hand.All fingers were holding her,but his pinkie was not.That was something Maika could notice,despite being afraid."Move.And you'll soon lose the ability to even hold onto something dearly."He taunted.

"M-...Maika...!"Shouta tried to call,but his face was buried in the ground.Maika tore away her sight away from Shigaraki and looked at her Father.Tears spilling from her eyes.
"Please...Stay strong."

"I'll tell you,Eraser Head.",the villain spoke,"He is the anti symbol of peace and artificial human,Nomu.".
The creature,"Nomu",screeched as it hears its name.

Maika stands there,trying to cope with the fact that the nomu creature had a ear piercing screech,"Geez...he's probably worse than Uncle Zashi..."..Maika glances over to the villain,scared.

She could lose her hand at any minute.But she noticed her wrist wasn't decaying."But...papa's elbow...How can..."
Maika realised his pinkie was still up."Maybe..."

"If you do anything stupid,I'll immediately go for the throat.Got it!?"Shigaraki scolds in a terrifying manner,after noticing Maika's glare at him.She flinched at his voice.

Maika knew if she did do anything,something bad was bound to happen.All she could do was tremble,watch as her parent suffer by the hands of that Monster.
"Just stay strong for me"


"Huh?Whats-...!?"Iida was wondering why nothing much was happening.He slowly looked up as he ran.

"I don't know the logic here,but if he's wearing this,it means he has an actual body!"Ochako spoke,grabbing the metal item with all five fingers,causing it to float.She then threw it high,screaming,"Go for it,Iida!!!".

"My body...S##t!"He realised,But that still didn't stop him.Iida was finally at the door.He used his arms and hands to force the door open.And with brute strength,the door was beginning to open up,slightly creating an opening,light was piercing through."However-"

"I'm not letting you!"Serō yelled,cutting Kurogiri off as he threw tape at the metal item;later being taken by Satō,who started to spin the tape in a circle,and throwing it far from the class president.

And thanks to that,Iida was able to escape through the door and into the outside.And with no time to waste,he began to run for his life,hoping and praying that by the time he gets back,everyone was still in one piece.

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