Chapter 8:Recovery

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"Do you think she'll wake up?"A voice asked,sounding so nervous and familiar to him.

"Of course she will.She just needs rest.But,we need to focus on what happens when Aizawa-Sensei wakes up."Another one responded,this time,sounding calm and certain.He sounds younger than the first voice.

But hearing his name made the injured teacher slightly flinched in surprise.Those voices,they sound so familiar.And he knows who they are,he's certain of it.

Shouta slowly peeled his eyes open,feeling the lowly pain entering his body.The first thing he saw was the clean,white ceiling above him.He grunts as he tries to sit straight,just so he could properly see what was going on and where he was.

"S-Sensei!Slow down!"The young voice called out.He can feel the hand of someone trying to slow him down gently.

The teacher's eyes met a purple haired boy,wearing the familiar UA uniform.His eyes had the familiar slight dark circles under it."Shinso.....?"He uttered.This was the boy that Maika had somehow befriended at the park years ago.He felt proud of him,knowing he was actually in UA.

"Just relax,Aizawa-kun.You need to recover."Someone spoke.

It was Yagi;Shouta can see the hero's torso covered with bandages,despite the familiar suit that was hovering over the frail man's body."The students are ok and aren't injured.Aside from you and Thirteen,everyone's ok.",He assured,"They're at UA and are getting ready to go home."

There was silence for a moment;Until the injured man spoke,"How Long have I've been out?".

He first heard a sigh from the blonde,"For a few hours.Maybe three or four hours,I'm not quite sure",Yagi replied,"It was a good thing that principal Nezu called in an ambulance before we got there."

Shouta sighs,hanging his head low."Maika...?"He asked,remembering what happened back at USJ,before he passed out.

Shinso hesitated to answer,but was able to gather the courage to say;"She's resting.I hate to say this but...she went over board again.Despite her...Well..."His voice soon trailed off;and Shouta knew what he was going to say.Knowing his Daughter well,it was pretty obvious what her intentions were gonna be.

He slowly starts to get off the bed,despite Shinso and Yagi telling him not to."Don't worry about me..."He said,feeling the bandages on his face.He finally notices the cast on both of his arms."Ah...right.That creature broke my arms as if they were twigs....How annoying."He thought.But it didn't matter to him,not anymore.He just wanted to see his Daughter.

"Sensei,she's resting;And so should you!"Shinso said,trying to get his teacher to relax.

"Please...let me see her."He pleaded,looking at both Shinso and Yagi.They looked at each other,surprised to hear the man plead,then sighed.They nearly forgot that he's a Father of an adopted child.It would definitely make sense that he just wants to see if she's ok,even if he's clearly injured and should be in bed.Either way,Shouta could never forget how that Nomu creature was able to bring her down so easily.But then again,she hasn't use her quirk in such a long time.

As Shinso gives support to the mummified hero,Yagi leads the way to a different recovery room.As he opens the door,the three were greeted by a familiar teen,laying on the bed,sleeping.

There was an IV strapped on her,she had a mechanical ventilator on,and a monitor right next to her.All to keep records of her health.Her hair was still a brownish tone,but had a magenta hue on some parts of the bangs.Her breathing was low and gentle,it made her looked like she was sleeping peacefully.And she was.

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