Chapter 4:The aftermath

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Izuku slowly opened his eyes,feeling some pain.The first thing he noticed was the fact he was laying on a soft bed.He remembers what had happened.He was fighting Katsuki during the activity.He used his support items and knocked him out.He realised he was at the infirmary.How Long has he been in the infirmary??Izuku tried to adjust his eyes towards the clock in front of him.His eyes widen.It noon now.

"Your awake."He hears and winced a bit,before seeing Recovery girl.

"H-how Long...have I been knocked out?"He asked,nervously."Aizawa sensei's gonna kill me"

"A few hours.You mostly missed your noon classes."She replied.Izuku begins to panic,recovery girl seemed to notice.He gently rested her hand on the teen's,it was enough to comfort him.

"Don't worry,boy.I told your teacher about it when he came to get Maika."She explained.

"Maika?Was she visiting me?"He thought."What was Maika doing here,Recovery girl?"Izuku asked,as the old lady begins to remove the unnecessary extra bandages.Was that girl that worried about him?I mean,she could be.

"She had a panic Attack when she saw your reckless fight.Three of your fellow classmates came in and brought her here right after you arrived."She answered."Oh"

Izuku mentally facepalms himself.He caused a younger teen to have a panic attack because of how reckless his battle was.But in his defence,Katsuki was being Katsuki;so it was expected that he'd get injured because of that explosive blonde.

As soon as Izuku was free to leave,Recovery girl spoke,"Be sure to come back tomorrow.I need to do a few checking if I want to remove that cast.".Izuku nods and leaves the room.

As he walked down the corridor,he couldn't help but worry.He missed the afternoon lessons and classes;not to mention giving a young girl a panic Attack from their crucial fight with Katsuki.He wondered what part of the fight triggered it."Izuku,you idiot.Its probably the part where Kacchan blasted me towards the other part of the building.",He thought to himself.As the warm,orange light of the sunset filled the halls through the glass wall,Izuku finally spots his classroom,and opened the door.

"Midoriya!"The red hair called,getting the others attention.They then circled around him,telling him how awesome he was during the match,as well as introducing themselves,excitingly.

Izuku seemed so confused to see them complimenting him so much.He was never used to getting compliments from his fellow classmates;in fact,he never got any from his previous school.He was so bewildered by the others,that he didn't notice someone was running at him."Deku-Kun!!!"He heard a cry.

He looked to see a familiar dark pink-like hair,almost magenta, running at him."A-Are you o-ok!?"She asked,sounding so scared.Her hands were clasped together to get a hold of herself.Izuku could see his younger friend's arm trembling.

"Y-Yeah.I'm fine,just-"

He wasn't able to finish what he was trying to say,when he saw tears slowly forming in her eyes."M-Maika?"He called out,worried."Oh boy..."

The girl quickly wiped the tears away with the heel if her hand."D-dont scare me that..I don't..l-like it wh-when..Someone I-..I care about..g-gets...hurt.."She spoke,stuttering all over the place.

Izuku felt guilty."I'm sorry...really."He said,trying to cheer the girl up.He rested his free hand on the teen's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile,which was able to calm down the poor girl.Maika got the message and weakly smiled back at him.

"Deku!Are you Alright."Another familiar voice called.It was Uraraka,carrying some books with Denki.

"Oh-Yeah,I'm fine.I just used up all my energy."he responded,embarrassingly.

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