Chapter 1:UA's Entrance Exam(Part 2)

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The events of the exam took place in a flash.The sun was already slowly setting.The view of the city seemed very beautiful from a high perspective.Students were walking home,families were spending time together,friends and couples bonding together.Everyone was in peace.

A boy,having such nature-like-coloured hair and freckles,sat by the nearby benches in the campus.He and some other teens like him had just finished the course just hours ago.All of them had already left,bracing themselves for the results,which would arrive soon.

His arm was bruised,cover in a purple hue,despite being wrapped in bandages.He knew he still needed to get used to his new,given quirk.


Unlike all the other contestants,who were applying for the one and only UA,he was the only one to have a quirk that was basically given to him.He wasn't born with it,unlike the others.But that isn't important,now.

The boy sighed.He felt like he failed the exam,recklessly by destroying a zero pointer.He recalled that he was only supposed to immobilised it,not completely destroy the whole thing.They even mentioned it was best to just avoid it.
The only thing he felt good about was helping that girl.Brown hair and pink cheeks.He's wondering about her.

"Oi!Nerd."He heard,flinching at the sound of that familiar voice.

The boy looked;seeing a very familiar ash blonde,rough hair that almost resembles an explosion,and eyes crimson red."K-Kacchan."The boy replied.His childhood Friend looks irritated.

"Sh##ty Deku.What are still doing here!?"The blonde,who the boy called Kacchan,yelled.

"I was just...resting.."The green hair,called Deku,replied,smiling awkwardly.

"Tch.Whatever,nerd."The blonde began to walk away,annoyed.

This blonde,Katsuki Bakugo,never had a stable relationship with his childhood Friend,Izuku Midoriya,Who he calls Deku.And Izuku never had the best memories with his Friend Bakugo,Who he calls Kacchan.But it's very surprising to hear them still calling each other by they're childhood nicknames.

Those silly nicknames they gave to each other back when they were inseparable.But now,they're just a complete mess.
Who knew reality could be so harsh.

Izuku sighed,clenching his shirt,right where his heart is located.He felt tired from both the test,and the confusing thoughts in his head.He uttered,"How am I going to deal with this...?"

"P-Papa!"He hears in the distance,jolting his head upwards."P-Papa!W-Where are you...!"He hears again.He stood up,looking for the source of the call.

Then,he hears coughing and wheezing.It sounded like it was nearby.He began to jog around the area,looking for the source of the call.Izuku was slightly panicking,what's going on?

Izuku spotted a girl,younger that him,holding tight to a pole,coughing.Her posture looked like she was in pain,he could see the girl trembling.But the girl couldn't hold onto the pole longer,as she fell down to her knees.

His instinct kicked in and rushed to the kid,already panicking."Hey!Are you ok!?Do you need Help!?"He began throwing questions.But the girl couldn't reply as she was in a coughing fit.Then,an idea popped into the boy's head.

Izuku ran back to the bench,quickly grabbing the extra bottle of water he kept just in case,and offering it to the coughing girl.She gladly accepted the water,gulping most of its content,making sure she didn't finish it for the boy's sake.

The girl panted,anxiously."You ok now?"Izuku asked,worryingly.He was relieved when he received a slight nod from the kid.

"G-Gomen..."She uttered,wiping the dripping water off her mouth with her oversized,pink coat's sleeve.Her cheeks were growing warm.

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