The Train Station

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The four made their way to the train station. It was already getting dark out. They sneak up to the train station, and saw is as swarmed with walkers. I guess from the explosion and the car crash, a huge herd of walkers just had to walk up to see what was making all the noises. The walkers are smart. But Clem and the others are smarter then them.

Clem: There. That's where the food is. Lot more walkers than last time, though.

Louis: We're gonna die.

Violet: It's either die here or die from hunger. Take your pick. Clem, maybe you should scope things out. You know the place better.

Clem: Let me get a closer look. Can't be too careful.

Clem climbs up to the train to get a better look. Clem saw the walker trapped under the door, that she killed when they were making there escape.

Clem: We barely got out of here. It was close.

Violet: Sounds scary.

Clem: There's a reason.

Then She look over to a bell. It was the same she use that she attract a walker.

Clem: I used that bell to attract a walker before. Could try it again.

Violet: They do like to follow sound...

Next she looks at a train car cross from them.

Clem: Could climb up there, but I don't know how that would get us inside.

Finally. She then got an idea that could just work. She returns to the others.

Louis: You look like you've got an idea.

Clem: The noise from that bell could draw a lot of walkers. If one of us climbs up there and starts ringing it...

Violet: Louis. I vote Louis.

Louis: Uh, hold on. I'd like to make an alternate suggestion.

Violet: Come on, Lou. You're loud, dramatic, a little annoying... You're basically a walking distraction.

Louis: I think you mean charming and theatrical. Entertaining is another word that comes to mind. Charismatic.

Violet: See what I mean?

Vi did had a good point. Louis can be loud sometimes. He just make a good distraction. As long as Lou doesn't get noitce by hopefully anyone. Then this won't be a problem.

Clem: I think she pretty much summed it up.

Louis: Ouch. Alright. I see how it is.

Vi draw out her meat cleaver.

Violet: I'll go with you. Give you some cover.

Louis: Fine, I'll do it. But if I die, I'm making sure walker Louis eats both of you first.

They sneak over to the bell. Louis took the bell.

Louis: I'll distract them until I see you guys reach safe cover. Then I'll try to redirect the smelly patrol to give you guys a chance to spring inside the building.

Clem: When we get into position, I'll signal you. Then you can do your thing.

Louis: Good luck.

Louis climbs onto the train car. He hits the bell and the chair leg against the train car to distract the walkers. They can hear what Louis was saying, as they were sneaking around the walkers. After Clementine kills some of the walkers. She hides behind some barrels and signals to the others. Vi kills a walker as she and AJ run over to Clem.

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