The Fight Off

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Clementine peers out onto the boat. Lilly is still dragging AJ along with her. She sneaks along the boat. Lilly was talking to AJ until the another raider show her Tenn and James.

Gina: Found this in the herd.

Gina takes the mask off James.

Lilly: No wonder there were so many walkers. Must have thought you were clever, leading those walkers here. Or was that Clementine's idea? Nothing to say?

James: You don't fucking scare me.

Lilly: Is that so?

James: You force your ways onto others. Because you're afraid. Because you're weak.

Lilly: I give my people a cause to fight for.

James: Don't listen to her, AJ. All they do is kill. It's not for a "cause", it's-

Lilly: (hits James) Nothing else...?

James: No.

Lilly: Fine. You're no use to me anyway.

Clem runs over to another stack of boxes and sneaks around them.

Lilly: The thing about people like him, AJ, is that they're too broken to fit into a community. They won't fight for anyone but themselves. Kill it.

AJ: No!

Gina points her gun at James. But Tenn grabs Gina's pistol and aims it at her and Lilly.

Lilly: Easy there, Tenn.

Tenn: Don't hurt him! Just...stop hurting people! Please!

AJ: Shoot her!

Lilly: Why don't we all just take a breath, alright?

Tenn: Give me my friends back!

Lilly: Put down the gun.

Tenn: Let them go! All of us! Or...or else...

Lilly: Fine. Go ahead, then. Do it. Save your friends.

Lilly puts her head against the gun.

Lilly: That's what you came here to do, isn't it?

Tenn starts sobbing. Poor Tennessee.

Lilly: Oh, I see. You came here to cry.

AJ: Tenn...

Lilly grabs the gun and points it at Tenn.

Lilly: Looks like you're not a soldier, either.

James: Please. Don't!

AJ: No!

AJ grabs Lilly's arm and bites her hand.

Lilly: Fuck!

Gina aims her gun at AJ, but James knocks her over. Clementine charges at Lilly and tackles her, making her drop her weapon. Clem runs toward the gun, but Lilly grabs her hair and throws her to the ground. Clem kicks Lilly in the knee, making her fall, and Lilly starts to choke her.

Lilly: You've made a big fucking mistake.

Clementine grabs Lilly's face, but she moves her arm away.

Lilly: Such a fucking waste.

AJ stabs Lilly in the leg, and she kicks him away. Clementine kicks the knife, making Lilly fall and release her. Both of them crawl toward the gun, but AJ picks it up and aims it at Lilly.

Lilly: AJ, wait! I give up. I will give up. Put down the gun, I'll let everyone leave. My crew and I will leave, we won't bother you anymore.

James, having knocked out Gina, throws her gun away and slowly approaches AJ.

James: AJ. She's not a threat. Lower the gun.

AJ: You weren't down there! You didn't see what she did! She tried to cut us all up!

Lilly: You don't have to do this. Please.

Tenn: It's a trick.

Lilly: Don't you fucking dare, AJ.

James: Just give me the gun.

Tenn: You can't let her hurt anyone else.

Lilly: I don't want to die.

Clementine had enough of Lilly. If she lives she going to find them and kill them all. She look over to James then to AJ. Sorry James. But she need to be die.

Clem: Do it, AJ!

AJ shoots Lilly in the face.

James: No...

AJ shoots Lilly several more times.

James: AJ, stop!

He looks at Clem with shame. She look at Lilly then back at James. Soon another come on and see them.

Sullene: Lilly, we couldn't find the other... What did you do? You are fucking dead!

She aim her gun but soon the ship rumbles. Uh oh this isn't good.

Clem: Shit, the bomb! AJ!

Clementine rushes to grab AJ before the bomb goes explodes, but she is a moment too late. The deck of the ship bursts into flames, the force tossing Clementine off her feet and into the wall. Clementine falls unconscious as chaos erupts around her. The boat just blow up. Crap what's going to happened to Clem, AJ, Tenn, and James now? The others made their way out just in time. Minnie survive and is really mad at Clem. Marlon's worry about Clem and AJ. A herd of walkers approaches the boat. Now they had to fight their way back to the school. They got to find a way to head out home and fast.

End of "Broken Toys" Here's your Relationship with Marlon.

Marlon - MIA

First Sentence

Marlon was touched that you accept to go on a date with him.

Second Sentence

Marlon was comfortable that you wanted to hear why he was sent to Ericson.

Third Sentence

Marlon felt forgiven you expressed sympathy about his reason for coming to Ericson.

Fourth Sentence

Marlon was thankful when you let AJ stop Dorian from cutting off his finger.

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