The Dream & Rescue Mission

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Everyone soon head to bed to get a few hours of sleep before they had to headed out to save their friends. Clementine begin to have dream. She dreams of being on the train as her younger self. Soon later A person walks up to her. It was...Lee.

Lee: Hey, sweet pea.

Young Clem: Lee?

Lee sits down next to clementine, smiling.

Lee: Why the train? You always pick the train.

Young Clem: I'm not sure. Maybe because this is where it all started. Where you taught me to shoot, and to cut my hair. To be ready for what was coming.

Lee: You were a quick study. So what's on your mind this time?

Young Clem: I'm worried, Lee. I've got a lot of people depending on me, and I don't know if what I'm doing is right.

Lee: Oh, I know that feeling. You know I was making it all up as I went along, right? Couldn't let on, of course. With you being so little.

Young Clem: You kinda had to think on your feet. Monsters took over the world, and you got stuck taking care of an eight-year-old girl.

Lee: You were a handful. But I didn't "get stuck" with anything. You kept me going.

Clementine look at Lee for a moment then back to her feet.

Lee: You wanna tell me about what you're up against?

Young Clem: I'm with a new group now. And I've been many...and they always fall apart, but I really like this one. It's...different. It almost feels like home.

Lee: That's a good thing. It's hard being along out there.

Young Clem: But we're in trouble. Some bad people captured my friends, and getting them back might get the rest of us killed.

Lee look away then he look back at Clem with smile. Why was he smiling?

Lee: I'm not worried.

Clem look at Lee with a confused look. He was not worried? Then again he was only Clem's imagination in her dream. Lee continued.

Lee: Whatever trouble you're in, you'll get out of it. You'll get your friends out of it.

Young Clem: You don't know that

Lee: I know you're a survivor. The Clementine I know is gonna fix it. I really believe that.

He did had a good point. Clem is a survivor. And she did made it this far after all.

Young Clem: Yeah, I made it this far, didn't I?

Lee: You sure did. When a lot of other people couldn't. Never give in, Clem.

Lee: Imagine how those boys how you come to save them. Marlon is very greatful for what you are going for him and his group.

Clem smile a little. She took a small breath, as Lee leaded up al little.

Lee: Aw, sweet pea. You know you always get like this before something big. Remember how scared you were before you charged into that mess at McCarroll Ranch? You survived that, didn't you?

Young Clem: That was different. I was alone.

Lee: I know. It's harder when you have something to lose. But having people you care about, that's a good thing. Friends. A boy who cares about you. They're fighting beside you. Because of you.

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