Interrogating & The Boat

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The sun shines once again. The remaining kids were still at the school after what happened last night. They put out the fire, and took Abel, on of the raiders to the basement and tie him up. Clementine walks through the courtyard, and see Willy kneeing down still crying after they took their friends. Willy was closes to Mitch, and was worry that they want find them in time. Clem walk in to Willy. he turn to her and begin to speak.

Willy: At the start, I was so little, and...and Mitch looked after me. People said he was a dick sometimes, but he was always nice to me. And now... Now he's gone. I can't beileve that he actually got taken. He's a strong guy. It that was he told me once.

Clementine puts her hand on Willy's shoulder.

Clem: I know it's hard, Willy. But you need to pull yourself together.

Willy: I tried. I don't know how.

Clem: Ask yourself what he would do.

Willy: He'd find a way to get our friends back. Then he'd bash Lilly's brains out with a rock.

The other kids walk over to Clem and Willy.

Violet: Hey. AJ's waiting for you in the basement. We got Abel tied up tight. He's alive, but he's out cold.

Clem: Thanks.

Louis: AJ wanted to stay down there and keep an eye on him.

Tenn: I'm sorry about--

Willy pushes Tenn to the ground.

Willy: Get away from me! You're the reason he got taken!

Ruby: Willy!

Willy: Well, it's true! We had a plan and that idiot messed it up!

Clem: C'mon, Willy, none of this is Tenn's fault. You know who's really to blame.

Willy: I can't believe you're defending him! This...this is bullshit.

Tenn runs away. Guess he is really upset about Mitch. Marlon walk up over to Clementine, she turn and meet his eyes.

Marlon: I'll go and try talk to him. go talk to Abel, find out where Lilly took them. I honest wanted to hurt him but. I couldn't, it just remind me too much about Brody. I know you can do better then I can. Just...try not to go to far.

He holds on Clem's hand. She then looks up to Marlon as he give her smile. She smile back. After that, Marlon walks away to find Tenn. While Clementine walk over to the basement and enters. She walks over to see Rosie laying next to the blood, that was Brody. Rosie notice and wags her tail and lets Clem pet her. She remember when Marlon hold down Lilly and Rosie attacking Abel. She walks and finds AJ sitting on a chair spinning the bullet chamber of his revolver. Abel was tie up to a chair, and had blood on his face and was out cold, but yet still alive.

Clem: Got your gun back, huh?

AJ: Uh-huh.

Clem: You ready for this?

AJ: Ready.

Clem pick up a bucket then throws the bucket of water on Abel. Waking them up.

Abel: What the fuck?

He looks around then look up to see Clem and AJ. Arms crossed and stare at him with a glare.

Abel: Well, that ain't no way to wake an old man up from his afternoon nap. I was having a nice dream, too, about a girl I used to know, from before. She also had me tied up, but I wasn't her prisoner, if you get my meaning.

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