The Secret about the Twins

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After having dinner and had a talk with Tenn about the twin and him drawing them a picture. They made their way back to their room and when to sleep. Hours later, in the middle night. Clementine and AJ woke to hear people arguing. They can here them from the pipes. This does not sound good at all.

Clem: I think someone's in trouble.

AJ: Is it us?

Clem: No, no, no. Not right now, but we should help them.

AJ: If it's a monster, we should kill it.

Clem: I don't think it is. You got your gun?

AJ: Uh-huh.

Clem: I'll be right back. Stay safe.

Clementine leaves the room and walks through the hallway. Following where the sounds are coming from. They were loud by the basement. She tires to open to door. Only to find it lock.

Clem: This locks from both sides. Can't pick it. I have to find another way to the basement. There a cellar door out in the yard.

Clem enters the courtyard. The wind and rain puts out the candle, and Clem sets it down. It look like a storm is coming.

Clem: According to the map, there should be another entrance to the basement around here.

She walk and found the cellar. She finally heard who were fighting. It was Marlon and Brody. What the hell is going on down here? Clem pick a brick and had to smashes the padlock with the brick. She can hear them.

Marlon: You are overreacting about Clementine.

Brody: What? I'm not!

Marlon: No, you are.

Brody: You are unbelievable! You fucking coward!

Marlon: Hey, HEY! We are in this together. You will not put this all on me!

Once she broke the padlock, she made open to door and made her way inside the basement. Once in she can see a light up ahead. Marlon sounded really mad.

Marlon: Damn it, Brody! We don't even know for sure it was them! Beside she also said he got bit, which means he ain't gonna bother us. But why?

Brody: You know he's not alone. Those bastards are back and it's only a matter of time before they find us. You know that!

Marlon: I don't know shit, and neither do you! Goddamn it, Brody, keep it together!

Brody: There you go again, getting so mad...

Marlon: Well, what do you want me to do? You're making me mad!

Brody: Oh, we have to tell the others. About what you did.

Once close. Marlon notice someone was down here. He aim his flashlight over to who is was.

Marlon: Who's there? Show yourself.

Clem walk out. Marlon was surprise to see it was her.

 Brody: Clem...

Clem: What are you doing down here? In the dark?

Marlon: Brody and I were just talkin', go get some sleep. You deserve some shut-eye. You had a busy day.

Clem: Didn't exactly sound like a polite conversation. What're you fighting about?

Marlon: It's really none of your business. Go back to the dorm.

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