The Night you won't Forget

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Entering the building and walk up the stairs. Clementine made her way to Marlon's office, he was sitting in his chair, petting Rosie. Marlon notice Clem entering the room, and give him a smile. Rosie walk over to Clem, wagging her tail. She pet her as Marlon stand up and walk over to her.

Marlon: I didn't think you would actually come. I thought you would be busy.

Clem: Not for a while. AJ and I got lookout duty. After Ruby.

Marlon: So....uh, you do think that this plan will work? I have a feeling something is going to not go as plan. That could just be me.

Clem: As long as we follow the plan. Then I'm sure thing will be okay.

He cross his arm then walk over and look at the deck, which is boarded-up.

Marlon: Clem? Can I ask you something?

Clem: What is it?

He turn back to Clem, still arm cross.

Marlon: What is it like. Out here?

She blinks few times, and rise an eyebrow.

Marlon: You have survive out there with AJ for so long. How did you do it. If I know a fact, out here is lot more dangerous but... How can you live from all of that?

She cross her looking down then back up to him. She remembers all the people that help her. Luke, Kenny, Jane, Javier, Ava, and...Lee. They all died to keep her alive, but Lee was the one how help her survive. She felt was she wanted to cry, but couldn't. From all the things they teach her. They all die for her, because her was.... because they loved her. Luke was like a brother to her while Jane was a sister to her. But Lee, he was like a father. And she was like a daughter to him. A daughter that he would never have. Now she was with AJ. She rise him since he was born, and treat him like her own son. And she was AJ's....Mom. Damn.

Clem: I couldn't have live if it were from my friends. They all teach me so many things. How to take care of myself. To defend myself. To never give up. After AJ was born. I teach him everything they have teach me. How to shot a gun, to kill walkers. But most importantly teach him the first rule. Never go alone.

Marlon fet very amazed. They all had died protecting her. Now she has AJ, and was following there footsteps. He walk up to her, giving his best smile.

Marlon: I'm sure they are all proud of you. Especially Lee. You know what Tenn use to told us. He would say, the people you loved are looking down at you. Watching over you. Guiding you. I always think that he was just trying to make us all feel better. But...I think that maybe he's right.

Clem: Do you think the people you loved are watching you?

Marlon: More or less. After I give up the twins I... I feel like that. They're disappointed in me. Since I took control, and become the leader of the school. I have be doing what I thought it was right. I was never closed to my parents after what I did that got me here. I feel like it I can keep everyone in this school safe. Then maybe I would be close to them. And if not I know I have them for me.

Clementine was stock from what she was hearing. She let him continue.

Marlon: When I safe you from that crash. I felt like and can trust people again. Uh...It least the only  when they're in my age. And you...You did all of this for us, and we are grateful for what you are going for us. And uh, I... I really care about you, Clementine.

Her eyes were wide open. Marlon care about her? He's grateful for what she did for them? Now the only question is, Does he like Clementine? She had to tell him how she feels for him. But what will he said? Would he says he like her too. Or just a friend? If Marlon didn't like her, she hopes that they were still be friends. She had to tell him, she just had to. She took a breath, then say the following.

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