The Dream

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I woke with Payton spooning me. He is soooooo CuTe😘!

Payton's Pov-
In the middle of the night I wake up to me spooning Y/N and she started to mumble something in her sleep and I put my hand under her shirt where my hand was on her back and she was sweating really bad. Then I kinda started to understand her a little bit, it sounded like she said " Please don't leave me! I can't live without you Payton!" Then I realized the dream was about me. And she told me that she has been through a lot in her life and it kinda caused her to see things awful and they come true. Sometimes they come true.
(Not lying)
So I moved my hand to stomach and rubbed it softly and gave her a lite kiss on the back of her neck. And she started to calm down. Then I fell back to sleep.
-End if Pov

Then I turn over and Payton is starting to wake up. I look at him and he gave me a lite kiss on the forehead. I asked him if everything was okay and he told me we needed to talk.
We sit on the bed him on the top and me at the bottom.
Then says " What did you dream about last night?" And all I did was look down scared to say anything. Then he says again " What did you dream about last night?" I look at him and say " You." It killed me when I said that. I say " Why do you wanna know?"  He says " You talked in your sleep last night and you said "Please don't leave me! I can't live without you Payton!" And I knew it was about me." I just turn pale.

Payton's Pov-
After I told her what she said last night in her sleep she looked as if shed seen a ghost. Then I say " What happened in the dream that caused you to say that?" She says " We got in a fight. You thought I cheated on you with one of best guy friends and I told you I did nothing he kissed me. And you just looked at me and told me you where leaving me cause you didn't believe me. You packed everything and I yelled " Please don't leave me! I can't live without you Payton!" Then everything went dark and I saw a light and everything w-w-as plain."
-End of Pov

After I told him I cried and said
" Please don't leave me. Promise me you won't leave me!" He hugs me and says " I promise." And then he gives me a kiss on the forehead. I was petrified that the dream will come true. Cause when to many bad things happen to me the nightmares come true. But the only good dream that came true is me meeting Payton he changed me into the person I once was and he changed my life.
And I love him for it.

Payton's Pov-
I promised her I will never leave her. I love her. I alwaysed have and always will. She changed me. She was their for me when Avani I broke up with her for cheating on me and she was their for me when I was in my way worst. I love her. (Hope this don't change the way you guys feel about Avani.)
We just hanged out and ordered Pizza and watched my favorite series: (your favorite series.) (Mine is The Walking Dead and Riverdale)
And we decided to go and get ice cream cause for some reason I was in the mood for ice cream. Then we went back home and ate the ice cream out if the container. And feel asleep.

Hoped you guys liked this one. And just so you know I'm writing these on the days that it says at the beginning of the chapter😳
Teehee! Byeeee

The One Person Who Changed My Life; Payton Moormeier (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now