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⚠️Warning this chapter has depression ⚠️


I wake up and Payton's gone. I hear his car starting so I get dressed and look out the window, he's texting someone.
I run down the stairs and I look out the window and he's backing up, and he's gone. I run to my car and hop in and I follow Payton to where he's going.

Then I see him park infront of a house. I am scared at this point! Is he cheating on me or- or- or I don't know anymore!
I look away and start to bang my head against the headboard and I look back and he's gone.

I go up to the door and I don't know if I want to knock it not.
Then somebody answers the door its...AVA! That Sl**! What is Payton going at her house?!
She says "What do you want?" In a nasty tone. hit her so bad. But I managed to stay calm. Sorta.

I say "Why is Payton at you're house?"
"What are you talking about? Payton isn't hear."
I hate her do much!
" Yes he us! I saw him drive here, go to your door, and knock on it!"
Then I hear someone say "Babe! Who's at the door?!"
They come and it's PAYTON!
What the HELL!
I run inside and start screaming at him and I started to cry! I didn't even notice till a minute I've been yelling at him.
Ava then says "Okay now that you've yelled at Payt-"
"You're not aloud to call him that! I am! Not you!"
I am full on screaming at the top of my lungs at this point.

She says "Okay. Now that you've yelled at Payton can you leave us alone." I have enough of this Bulls***! I grab her by the hair take her outside and throw her to the ground! I look at Payton and say "How long!?"
He doesn't say anything.
"How ling has this been going on for Payton?!" He says " A couple of weeks."
"How many weeks?"
I look at him and everything is just broken. Then I feel someone pull to the ground and hit me. I pop back to reality and it's Ava! I grab her by the hair again, and push her off of me and get on top of her getting ready to punch but instead I get off of her, and look at Payton and back at her. My lip is bleeding and I have a huge bruise on my eye with a scratch on it.

I walk off get in my car and drive off.
I've been through so much. I just can't handle it anymore.
I've been raped, bullied, beaten, abused, cheated on, and abanded. So much and I can't deal with it anymore.

Payton's Pov-
I see Y/N at the door and I'm happy to see her but the reaction I got I did kinda expect. So much happens. Y/N is yelling at me and crying and everything. Ava throws Y/N to the ground and hits her like 2 or 3 times and I didn't do anything.

Y/N gets her off of her and is getting ready to hit her but doesn't. She gets off of her looks at me then Ava. And does nothing says nothing. Then she goes to the car and drives off. Ava comes up to me after a few seconds and says "Okay now that she is out of the way wanna have some fun?" I say "No! My girlfriend is going to hurt herself and I'mm not going to let that happen! You are a an awful person and a sl**! I hop in my car and drive to Y/N's house knock on her door and nothing. I go to her window and I see a ladder their. I guess she must have accidentally locked herself out.

I go up the ladder and I look through the window and see her bathroom flooding! I try to open it but couldn't I go down, grab a rock, break the window and go back up. I look in the bathroom and I see Y/N laying in tub I go up to her while calling the ambulance! I feel her pulse and it's going but not as well! They answer and I tell them where we are and what's happening and they said they'd be here in 10 minutes and I say "Not fast enough!" They say "Okay, okay. Just calm down. They're on their way." I take her out of the tub.

Y/N Pov-
I get to the house and I go to the door and I locked myself out. Great. So I go to the garage grab a ladder and go in my bedroom. I lock the window and go to the bathroom, I grab a razor, turn on the water and grab a razor. I get in the tub cut my wrist with the razor and drop it and my eyes slowly close my eyes. Death is so peaceful. I see all my happy memories. The ones when I was happy! Then I see the moments with Payton. And then I see all the bad memories. I can't believe what I'm doing!

I can't believe that I finally had the guts to do so. I then see a light. And I hear a voice it's PAYTON'S! He's saying "Please wake up! Y/N!? Y/N!! Please don't let this happen!" Then everything else was a blur.

I wake up with a bright light. I look around and I see a nurse and I'm in a hospital bed. I'm alive!? I fully open my eyes and I see Payton asleep on the floor next to me. Then the nurse says
" Ah. Your awake. Their was 50/50% chance of life and death."

I look at Payton and she says " He never leaves." She then walks out and I look at Payton, he's waking up. He looks at me and he stands up and his eyes are puffy, his face is red , and full of streaks of tears. He does a small smile.

Payton's Pov-
I've been at the hospital for 4 days now. I've never left, I not even leaving to go get food or new clothes. My Mom and sister come to bring those to me. I've been crying so much. I wake up to the nurse talking, I then look and the nurse is gone and Y/N is looking at me.

She is wake! I stand up and get eyes follow. I give her a small smile. She has zero expression.
She then try's to say
" You never left?"
"No. I alwaysed stayed. I never even left to get clothes or food. My Mom and Faith had to bring it."

She is so beautiful even if she is all battered up and bruised.

Y/N Pov-
I can't believe it. He never left. He actually cares.
" Did you leave to go to the bathroom?"
"Theirs a bathroom right their so no."
"She told me that if I didn't do what I was told or anything, she would make your life a living hell and I didn't want that."

"It's okay. But if she tells you that again say no. Cause whatever she throws my say I can take it."

"Well what she did to us, you didn't handle very well."

"I just don't want to lose you."
I just want to cry. Cause that's not the only reason why.

"I know that's not the only reason why. Theirs more reasons why."
His voice is so soft and gentle.

I motion him to sit next to me on the bed.

I say " Your right. I just couldn't handle it anymore.
I've been raped, bullied, beaten, abused, cheated in, and abanded. And I just couldn't handle it anymore."

"I knew that you where raped, bullied, and beaten.
But I didn't know abused, or abanded, or cheated on.
I can't believe that a boy would cheat on you."
He sounded so caring and UhG this boy drives me nuts.

"Who abused you?"

"My Dad."
He looks at me stunned.

I then smell food. I got so excited! I felt as if I hadn't eaten in YeArS!
They give me the food and I eat it so fast and then I had to pee.

I look at the nurse and say " Is it okay that I use the bathroom?"

"Of course you can sweetheart."
She sounded tired.

Payton helps me walk to the bathroom and I do my business and I try to walk back but I then fall, but thank goodness Payton catches me.

Like I haven't walked for 4 days soooooo. Of course I fell!

I then fall asleep after a couple of hours and yep. And Payton fell asleep next to me.

A/N: sorry for the depressing chapter. And I've never been raped, abused, or abanded. But I've felt abanded. And I've been bullied and beaten. But this chapter is a mood. And I've felt unhappy at times where I've thought, thoughts I shouldn't think. But if you have anything to confess or need help with I'm here. And this is a safe place. 🤞
Well byeeeeeeee

 🤞Well byeeeeeeee

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The One Person Who Changed My Life; Payton Moormeier (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now