Chapter 1

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*Lily's POV*
"NO DAD!" I shouted, but it was too late. Our car span off into a tree. My neck jarred and I felt a sudden shooting pain in my leg. Looking at the front seats, I could see that my mum had a black eye and a bleeding lip but in that moment, it didn't seem too serious. Most of my attention was on my dad. He was screaming and there was a lot of blood everywhere. From what I could see, his leg was in a bad way, as was his head. I glanced back at mum and after shouting her name several times, I realised that she was out cold, unresponsive. I cried, I screamed, trying helplessly to grab someone's attention. It was a quiet road, not a lot of cars were about. It felt like forever before a man pulled up and opened the driver's door.

"Oh my god." He said, before running off to phone an ambulance. By this point my mother was ghostly pale, her lips turning bluer by the minute. My dad's screams were being replaced by short whimpers. I didn't know it at the time, but he was fading fast. It felt like a life time before the ambulances came and rescued us. We were all rushed away to the hospital.

*A few hours later*
A doctor came and stood next to my bed. He was looking grave. This unnerved me. You could tell he was struggling. "I-I'm sorry."

My innocent seven year old self was confused and scared. What did he have to be sorry for? It wasn't his fault, was it?

"Lily, Mummy and Daddy...they got very hurt in the accident." His eyes began to well up. What had happened?

"Where are they? When can I see them?" I asked. I longed to see them so much, I needed to know they were going to be alright. But I never got that reassurance, because as I soon found out, they weren't alright. They were killed. Gone...forever.

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