Chapter 10

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Authors note: Thank you all for over 400 reads! Really didn't think it would even get 100 so thank you x

*Lily's POV*
Mine and Zoe's chat made me feel more comfortable. When the clock struck 5pm, Zoe and Alfie decided it was time to think about heading home.

As they were collecting their things from the office, I sat on the stairs and thought about what would happen next. I wasn't going to move in straight away was I?

Emma opened the door to show them both out. As they walked out, Zoe turned around and said "Bye Lily! See you again very soon, yeah?"

"Bye!" Alfie shouted.

I nodded and waved goodbye to them both. Once they had left, I headed up to my room and lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had a mix of so many emotions. I was happy to know I was finally finding a family, sad that I had lost my real one. I was excited to see what the future would hold, yet scared for the same reason. What if everything went wrong? What if they ended up not liking me? What if I was hurt again? These were just a few of the questions in my head.

I lay there for sometime, knowing I had probably missed tea time. To tell you the truth, I was getting rather hungry but I didn't want to go downstairs. I was scared all the older ones would hate me because I'm getting adopted and they weren't.

*Zoe's POV*
I stayed with Lily in her room for a good while and then I decided it was best that me and Alfie leave. She probably wanted some time to herself to get her head around everything. It must be strange for her, first meeting her idols and then being asked whether she wanted to be adopted by them. It still feels weird calling Alfie and I her 'idols'. But not as strange as it felt to know that someday she might call us 'mum and dad'.

As we headed out the door I shouted "Bye Lily! See you again very soon, yeah?" Alfie shouted bye too. She nodded and waved goodbye. When we got to the car, we got in and I turned the engine on. I reversed out of the car park and drove off down the street.

"I'm so glad we're doing this." Alfie said.

"So am I. I just hope Lily feels the same way." I replied.

"I'm sure she does, it may just take time for her to adjust."

"It's going to take time but we'll get through this as a family." I said. For the rest of the twenty minute journey, we stayed in near enough silence. We were both probably thinking the same things. How much our lives were about to change.

When we got back to the house, we took off our coats and shoes and sat down on the sofa. Alfie turned the T.V on and we watched old episodes of 'Dance Moms' which Alfie probably hated me for. I don't think either of us really concentrated though, we were too busy thinking about Lily.

*Lily's POV*
I will really miss Emma when I go. If I go. At around six o'clock, she bought up my tea for me on a tray. She came and sat down on my bed next to me and asked "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"Do you want me to go? It's alright if you want sometime to yourself." She said.

"Yes please." I answered. She smiled at me and walked out of the room, closing the door on the way out. I looked around at the bare cream walls, the wooden floor, the desk and the wardrobe, the bedside table. This was the place where I felt safe and soon, I wouldn't be waking up here anymore. Instead, I would be in a different room, with different colours and different furniture. In a different house.

I ate my food and put the tray on the floor. I then got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face, removing any remaining makeup, and brushed my teeth. Then I scraped my hair back into a messy bun and applied some lip balm. I couldn't even be bothered to get in the shower so I made do without one.

I walked back to my room, nearly tripping over on the way. I shut my blinds and curtains, got under my covers and curled up into a ball. I must have drifted off to sleep at some point.

"I'm very sorry for you to hear this but your mum was killed in the accident and your dad lost too much blood. He too is dead."

I woke up with a start, tears streaming down my face. It was just a nightmare. The same nightmare that has haunted me for six years. I looked at the clock. 3.24am. I sighed and lay back down.

It was a long night.

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