Chapter 12

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Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been really busy and had writers block. This chapter is a bit of a filler chapter and probably isn't the best so sorry about that x

*Zoe's POV*
Alfie and I went into town at around 2pm. We would have gone earlier but we both had some editing that needed doing. I drove us into town and parked our car in the car park.

Then we walked around the shops. I had no idea what Lily would like as a gift. To be perfectly honest, the last time we met her was such a rush, we didn't really get chance to talk properly. I thought back to the same child I had first met in the corner of the orphanage hallway. I remembered her wearing makeup and decided to buy her some. She mustn't get a lot of pocket money so she would really appreciate it.

I guided Alfie to Boots and dragged him inside. "I'm not spending an age looking at makeup!" He moaned.

"You won't have too. We are adopting a teenage girl, you better get used to it!" I said, chuckling.

"But, I didn't think Lily would be into this sort of stuff" he said, looking at the mascara a and eyeliner in disgust.

"She was wearing makeup yesterday. Just because she might be a bit different to most girls her age, doesn't mean she can't be into the same stuff." I pointed out, putting a Rimmel London mascara and eyeliner in my basket.

"I didn't say that. We just didn't really have chance to get to know her yesterday."

"I reckon she is very girly. She's got a really cute fashion sense and a beautiful face." I said, picking up a concealer and powder.

We hung around the makeup counter for a while, before going to pay for it all. I ended up buying her a mascara, eyeliner, concealer, powder, foundation and blusher. I just hoped she was going to like it.

After paying for our things, we went into a card shop and picked up a small gift bag. "Do you think this is enough?" Alfie asked.

"We don't want to overwhelm her with gifts and everything."

"Good point." He said. "What shall we do now?"

"Urm...well we haven't had any dinner yet. Shall we go to Sussex Slice?" I suggested. We figured out a while ago that the cafe was actually just called 'Slice' but I think 'Sussex Slice' sounds a lot better.

We spent a while in there, eating our dinner. I had the best brunch ever. Who cares if it's dinner time? Once we had eaten, we sat and talked about the next day. "Tomorrow, shall we pick Lily up and take her back to ours, or stay at the orphanage?" I asked Alfie.

"It's up to Lily isn't it? She probably wouldn't feel comfortable yet going to our house but who knows, she might surprise us."

"I guess. Do you think she really wants to be adopted? I know she said she did, but do you think she meant it?" I asked. I was scared she felt like we were forcing her into something.

"We can only take her word for it. But I think she really does want to find a family. If you had been in care for six years, been placed with horrible families and then dumped again, wouldn't you want to find a family that would treat you right and love you? I know I would." He said.

"Your right. I think we're the right family for her." I said.

"I'm always right." Alfie sarcastically stated, smirking as he said it. I chuckled and he hugged me. "Everything will turn out great, just you wait and see." He whispered. I loved him so much. We cleared away our plates and headed back to the car.

Once we got home, we snuggled on the couch and watched Christmas films all night. At around 7pm, we ordered a Chinese and ate it whilst watching Elf, one of my favourite Christmas movies.

Once it was finished, it was about 9pm and I decided to go and have some laptop time in bed. "Goodnight Alfie." I said, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Goodnight little one." He whispered, giving me a hug. I smiled and went upstairs. I did my normal night routine and snuggled up under the covers. Soon enough, I felt my eyelids droop and I fell asleep.

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