Chapter 3

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I must of dozed off at some point because Emma came out in the garden looking for me. She spotted me under the tree and shook me to get me up. Her cold hands startled me and I sat bolt up right. "W-what?" I asked.

"Oh charming. You fell asleep out here and it's starting to get cold so think about heading back inside." She said, before walking off. "Oh, and there's a house meeting in ten minutes." She shouted, seeing as she was halfway down the garden by now.

I got up and dusted myself off and went back inside. Emma was right, it was getting cold. My hands and feet were numb. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone off its charger before running back down the stairs. I bumped into the eldest girl, Roxy, on the way down and she wasn't impressed. "Watch where you're going! Honestly, I hate everyone in this place and I'll be glad to go." She said, before storming to her room.

"S-sorry" I mumbled, before carrying on down the long staircase.

I walked into the kitchen and everyone was sat around the tables. I sat in the same seat as earlier on and went on my phone. My Twitter notifications were buzzing none stop so I just had to check them.

"@zozeebo: @pointlessblog and I won't be daily vlogging today, were sorting out some exciting stuff😊"

Oh damn, I thought. I was looking forward to their vlogs tonight as well. But I was also wondering what the 'exciting stuff' was.

The house meeting started and Emma asked us all to put our phones away. I sighed and put it in my pocket. What was so important?

"Right guys, I have some very exciting news. We are holding an open day tomorrow for potential families to come and see you all and you never know, some of you might find yourselves with a new family. Isn't that exciting?"

A few younger ones squealed and looked excitedly at one another, ecstatic at the prospect of a new family. It was alright for them, everyone wanted cute little kids, but us older ones knew we didn't stand a chance. We were past our sell by date.

I wasn't to keen on this open day idea and I knew I'd rather stay in my room but if I had even a glimmer of hope of getting adopted then I knew I had to make an effort.

That night, I lay in bed and wondered what would happen if I got chosen. I knew I wouldn't go if I didn't like them. I'd made that mistake before and it got me nowhere. Instead, I would blend in with the rest of the kids and not make myself look too keen or too bored. I would just be myself and if they don't like me, then fine.

I tossed and turned in bed and finally drifted off to sleep. For the first time in six years I didn't dream of that terrible day, the day my world fell apart. Instead, I dreamt of being adopted into a loving family and a beautiful house. The couple had no children of their own and I became their everything.

It was the best dream ever. It was disappointing when I woke up and realised it wasn't reality.

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