Chapter 6

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I had to pinch myself to check I wasn't dreaming. What were Zoe and Alfie, two of the most famous people on YouTube, doing in the orphanage I had been dumped in so many years ago? It took me a moment before I finally realised. It was open day, which meant people came to find a child to adopt. Which only meant one thing. Zalfie were adopting?

They started to move around the room, chatting to various children along the way. They weren't coming in my direction. They hadn't noticed me. I had no chance. I was going to be the sad, troubled child that nobody wanted, forever. The feeling of neglect and sadness overcame me and tears slipped down my cheeks. I was never going to find a family.

*Zoe's POV*
As we walked around the room, we stopped and talked to some of the children who looked the right age for us. We asked questions and told them things about us but no one caught my eye.

As I looked around, my eyes swivelled to a girl who looked around thirteen. She was stood in the corner, looking down at the ground as if there was something fascinating there. As I got closer, I could see that she was crying. She looked very on-edge and fed up. Her badge was hidden so I didn't know her name. I walked slowly towards her but she didn't notice. "Hello!" I said as I approached her. She jumped and then stared, her mouth forming an 'O' shape.

*Lily's POV*
As I was drowning myself in my sorrows, I didn't notice Zoe, yes THE Zoe Sugg, walk up to me. "Hello!" She said, coming towards me slowly, as if she was cautious of me. I was so zoned out, her words made me jump. My eyes met hers and I stared, my mouth gaped open. I looked at her beautiful face, the collared blouse, the classic shiny black leggings, the cute autumn boots. I couldn't believe it. My idol, the person I looked up to, was stood in front of me. She had just spoke to me. Oh god, she had just spoke to me. A few moments passed before I realised I needed to say something back. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and took a deep breath.

"H-h-ello." I stuttered. I could feel my skin burning, I had messed it up already. I was waiting for her to wonder off, not interested in the child who can't string together a simple sentence. But what happened next surprised me. She crouched down so her eyes met mine and said "So, what's your name?". I was tempted to just point at my name badge as usual, but I needed to make more of an impression.

"M-my name's Lily." I said.

"I love that name! My name is..."

"Zoe. I know." I said, managing to grin ever so slightly.

"So your a viewer then?" She said chuckling. Oh that laugh. She was always so cheerful and upbeat.

"I-I watch your v-videos everyday. They make me feel more normal, they-they make me feel so much... happier." I said, before looking down at the floor, fighting the urge to start crying again.

*Zoe's POV*
After she had introduced herself, I knew straight away that she was the one. She was shy and gentle and obviously had had a bad past. She was very quiet and went bright red when she tried to speak. It was almost as if she had a stammer, the words didn't escape her mouth the way she wanted them too. After she had told me her name, I introduced myself.

"My name is..." Before I could finish, she jumped in.

"Zoe. I know." She said, smiling for the first time in those few short minutes.

"So your a viewer then?" I said chuckling. Then she said something that broke my heart.

"I-I watch your v-videos everyday. They make me feel more normal, they- they make me feel so much...happier." She managed to say before looking back at the floor, looking like she was about to burst into tears. I knew what I had to do. I wanted to be the one to bring sunshine back into her life, the one to give her some hope and the joy she had been deprived of for so long.

She looked up at me with those big blue teary eyes. I smiled and gave her a quick hug. I said to her "See you in a bit." before walking off to find Alfie. My smile, that stretched from ear to ear, must have gave something away.

"What are you so chirpy about?" He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I've found her Alfie." I said, looking up and meeting his eyes. "I've found the perfect daughter."

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