Chapter 8

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Jiyoung was spacing out when suddenly her mother held her hand. "Y-Yes, omma. Do you need anything?" she asked Aera. "Can you help me with that vase?" Aera showed her the vase she meant.

Jiyoung got up and went to lift the vase and brought it to the middle of the shop. "Where should I place it omma?" she asked.

"You're okay?" Aera asked. She nodded, "Yeah I'm good." Jiyoung nodded. "Tell me, why you accept Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim idea, Jiyoung. You told us you are nothing more but classmate." Aera looked at her.

"It's a long story but omma trust me, it's not wealth that I want. Trust me." Jiyoung told her. Aera went to hug her daughter, "Aigoo..."


Someone came into the shop.

"Kim Taehyung ssi!" Aera was surprise. She left Jiyoung and went to greet him. "What brings you here?" she asked him. He took off his Gucci aviator sunglasses. His eyes met Jiyoung who's silently watching from behind. "I'm here for Jiyoung. I planning to take her out for lunch." Taehyung said. "Ah, sure. Jiyoung-ah." Aera turned to her daughter.

"What does he want? Omma, tell him I won't leave this shop." Jiyoung said out loud, enough for Taehyung to hear.

"Come here you!" Aera pulled her. "Go with him and don't come back unless it's dinner time." Aera said. Jiyoung looked at her in surprise, "Did you just... kick me out from the shop? Omma?" Jiyoung asked. "You need some times to relax. Forget the shop, forget your homework. Enjoy yourself. Kim Taehyung ssi, please look after her." Aera bowed to Taehyung and he bowed back, "I will." He answered before he walked out from the shop.

"Yah!" Jiyoung called but he ignored him.

She grabbed her purse and ran after Taehyung. She was surprise to see a white Porsche 911 in front of the shop.

Taehyung open the window, "Yah, hurry and get in. You can open the door on your own, can you?" he asked. Without waiting for Jiyoung's answered, he closed the window. Jiyoung clenched her fist, "You are really getting on my nerves Kim Taehyung."

They went to a mall and walked into a café.

"Here." Taehyung pushed a ring to her. "What's this?" Jiyoung asked. "I never knew you're too stupid to recognise it's a ring." Taehyung sarcastically. Jiyoung rolled her eyes, "What is this for?" she asked. "That's the engagement ring. Wear it every time my parents is around. You can do whatever you want with the ring when they're not around." Taehyung said before he took a sip of his mocha.

Jiyoung put the ring on her finger. "Hmm? It looks horrible on my finger. I should keep it instead." Jiyoung took it off and put it into her wallet.

"Our wedding will be in a month from today." Taehyung casually told her. "What? I never knew about this." Jiyoung looked at him in surprise.

"That's what my dad arranged. I can't say anything about it."

"Why do you look calm?" Jiyoung asked curiously. "Do you want me to go nuts like you did?" he asked. "Things already happen. Do you forget? You're the one who agree with this the first place."

*he's right.* she thought. *calm down, Jiyoung.* she told herself.

"One more thing. You will live with me after the wedding." Taehyung said. Jiyoung blinked in puzzle, "Only the two of us?" she asked. "Well, you can get a pet if you want. I don't mind." Taehyung.

*now that's not what I expect. Living with him? Only the two of us?* Jiyoung thought.

"And don't tell anyone about us, not even to Chungha."

Jiyoung looked at him, "And you won't say anything to Jimin right?" she asked. "Why? You like him?" he raised an eyebrow. "No.'s not fair if you forbid me to say anything to Chungha but you go around and tell Jimin about it." Jiyoung answered with an annoyed look on her face.

"Consider it's done." Taehyung nodded.

Two weeks holiday ended, marked that both Taehyung and Jiyoung only left two weeks before their private wedding. School started and everyone were hanging out at the locker, catching up to everything happen for the past two weeks.

But not for Chungha and Jiyoung. They spent the last three days together. Chungha told everything about Hoseok to Jiyoung. After almost two weeks seeing each other, Hoseok finally asked her to be his girlfriend but up until then she still didn't give answer to him. She said that it's too early for anything.

"But then, why can't you tell me anything about that ring?" Chungha nodded at the ring on Jiyoung's necklace. "I told you it was a gift." Jiyoung answered. "From who? Don't lie to me, Jiyoung. That looks expensive enough for some 'friend' to give it to you as a gift. Come on. Tell me." Chungha pouted.

Jiyoung shook her head, "I can't, Chungha. I promise someone I won't tell anybody about it. I will tell you personally when the time comes." Jiyoung told her. "You better keep your words, sweetheart." Chungha said. "I will, my Chihuahua." Jiyoung smiled.

"Yah! Stop calling me that!" Chungha whined. Jiyoung laughed. Just then Jimin and Taehyung happened to walk passed them. Jiyoung and Taehyung exchanged glances. Jiyoung quickly looked away but not Taehyung. He kept his eyes glued on Jiyoung until Jimin nudged, "Yah, you're okay?" he asked.

"Uh, yes. Why?" Taehyung looked at him. "You keep looking at Jiyoung. That's creeping me out. You don't plan to do something evil on her right?" Jimin asked. "What? No! I won't even lay a hand on her!" Taehyung answered.

Jimin patted his back, "Don't hate her too much, bro or you'll end up marrying her." "What?!" Taehyung turned to Jimin in surprise. *Did he know? But I didn't tell him anything about the marriage.* He thought.

"What? Older people said a lot about it. Don't hate someone too much. Who knows, that someone could be your life partner." Jimin said calmly.

Taehyung silently sighed in relief, *I thought he knew.* "Let's go to class." Taehyung smiled.

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