Chapter 8

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Emmett pov(minutes before they left)
Dad picked up maxine and laid her down gently esme came over and started to treat her small head wound from falling carefully. Edward looked livid and was clenching his fist. I felt sorry for him I pulled rosa close to me like Jasper did with Alice.
"she has a fever of 101.3 and a small head wound she will be okay." Dad mumbled lookig at a clip board
A loud growl sounded from Edward as he rushes to her side and glared at mom making her back away and all of us hold our mates closely. He picked up maxxy and walked out Alice packed a bag for her and we were off back home. When we showed up Edward was in his room with maxxy wrapping her wrist and cleaning her up. When dad tried to help Edward almost ripped his arm off, shes sick not dying but its edward we are talking about hes so dramatic.
"His animal instinct has come out he has a second personality just like Jasper does and hearing how sick his mate is has bought it out of him." Dad explained
Esme asked if he would be back to normal and dad took her outside to explain things to her I felt bad for my brother he was hurting and we had our mates safe and sound.

Edwards pov ( at the cullen house)
She moved slightly and I was by her side holding her hand when her eyes opened she looked panicked and scared I cooed softly telling her to relax, in almost an instant she was climbed onto me and holding on tightly crying, I held her tighter and rubbed her head.
"It's okay baby I'm here and we will take care of you, lay back you have a fever." She cried harder, coughing and breathing harshing  and I rocked her she is my mate and I will protect her and comfort her. My little baby mate. My precious mate I love you so much

she calmed down enough so I took her downstairs
she wore my long shirt and some socks I went into the kitchen and made her a small snack and feed her carefully so she didn't hurt herself.
After a few days she was competely better.

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