Chapter 12

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Edwards pov

Maxxy and Jacie are the cutest littles ive ever seen, currently me and my family are waiting for some other covens to come over for a small bonfire. Jacob, Leah,and Seth were sitting in the living room playing with maxxy and Jacie. For whatever reason maxxy wanted to play with the blocks so we set her and Jacie on a blanket to play while the mutts watched them. Soon it as the evening and Jasper had just put Jacie to bed right now  maxxy was throwing a small fit and the other covens had started showing up so she was very cranky and not happy.

"maxxy calm down." Esme tried to sooth her rocking her back and forth like a mother.

"Nooooo!" she yelled crying loudly, everyone that had just arrived watched as the teenage cried and kicked like a child as she had been acting the last few days. Normally she is like this but today jut seems a little worse
"Young lady if you dont calm down you will go on time out." Alice scolded her as she kicked Emmett and cried more.

She just yelled no and ran to Benjamin making grabby hands sobbing loudly coughing as she probably couldnt catch her breath. Benjamin picked her up and rocked her back and forth rubbing her back. She soon calmed down and rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as Jasper came forward holding a....binky? he slipped it past her lips and she sucked on it slowly as she fell into a deep sleep. After a few minutes everyone was in the living room staring at Benjamin holding a sleeping teenager in his arms. Rosalie walked to him and took her carefully.

"I'm going to put her in some pajamas." we nodded and allowed her to take her upstairs and slip her into her onesie with cars on it.

" So shes your mate?" Amun asked me smiling

" Yes she is."

"She is adorable and seems younger than her age." Leah said thinking

" Yeah im gonna look into it." commented Carlisle as Rosalie waltzed back downstairs with a half sleepy maxxy in her arms. She was rubbing her eye with a binky in her mouth. I took her into my arms and smiled as she nuzzled my neck. We all moved outside and Ben lit the small fire pit for us and Esme bought out food for the wolves to eat. Alice and Jasper decide to stay inside and watch jessy while he slept we all sat around just talking with Jasper and Alice responding from the house.

"Thirsty." a small voice said. Seth got up and followed Kate and Garrett into the house and kitchen to make a bottle for her as Carlisle said it would be best that way til we figure everything out. Soon they came back with the bottle as Garrett took her and feed her the bottle with mostly everyone watching as she slowly sucked it down making noises of content. Jacie had woken up so Alice and Jasper were tending to him

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