P.1 p.7

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Come back with where we left out. From where Gouenji is wiping Fuyuka cheeks.

" Th...thank you." Said Fuyuka with low voice.
" Uh-huh." Gouenji noded his head. After that, he step little bit backward.
" There, done." Said Gouenji.
" Arigato Gouenji-kun." Said Fuyuka with her head little bowing down. Gouenji just smile up, then he look around the kitchen.
" Um... maybe I should help out." Said Gouenji.
" So you don't have to work hard alone." He added with smile.
" Well if you don't mind. Thanks a lot those." Reply Fuyuka with a smile.
" I'll go get more flour then." Said Fuyuka and went to get some flour. Then Gouenji start to clean the messy things up. In a seconds, Fuyuka come out with the flours in the plate she is carrying.
" Watch out!" Shout Gouenji but too late, Fuyuka have step on the web floor and about to fall down. Gouenji quickly run toward her to help but it's too late. (BOOM!!) The room is fill with white dust.
" Cough, cough." Gouenji wipe the dust in front of him with his hands while opening one of his eyes.
" Fuyuka are you ok?" He ask.
" Yeah I'm find." Then both open their eyes when the dust is gone. When they saw each other, they start to laugh. Both of them cover with the flours.
" I'm glad you ok." Said Gouenji standing up and trying to help Fuyuka up as well.
" Thank you, and sorry." Apology Fuyuka. Then she went down to pick the plate up, but it look like her hands is hurting. While she pick the plate up, one of her eyes is closing like something hurt. Gouenji kneel down beside her.
" Let me see your hands." Said Gouenji.
" Huh?" Fuyuka turn to him, but he already looking at her hands.
" Why you didn't tell me?" Ask Gouenji.
" It's not that important, and it doesn't hurt a lot." Answer Fuyuka. He just look at her, ~" she worry about her work more than her life."~ Said Gouenji in his head. Then he take out his handkerchief and wrap it around her left hand.
" This mind help little." She look at him and smile up,
" Arigato." After that, both start to work on their stuff.

Let's stop here for now. Next time let's go back with Endou and Natsumi.

Inazuma Eleven B.1 " Happy Halloween!" (My Hero)Where stories live. Discover now