Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Desi's POV*

After the funeral, I ran. Heels in hand, mascara tainted tears falling down my face. The only trace of make up left was my candy-apple red lipstick. I ran to the park near my house because it was the only secluded place to play soccer that I knew of. Conveniently, someone had left a soccer ball there. I didn't care that I was wearing a tight, long sleeved, mid thigh dress. I needed to play and so I did.

I did bicycle kicks and rainbows and every other trick in the book, I cried the entire time. I could feel my long brown hair falling out of my once neat bun, strands were hanging over my ears and face.

The tears were powerful enough to shake my frame and rob my lungs of air. I collapsed, I couldn't take it. I felt the weight of the world and all my grief crash down on my shoulders. I fell to my knees with my head in my hands and bawled. I was helpless. I was hurting. I was broken.

*Liam's POV*

I had time to kill so I took the long way home through the park. It was just another gloomy day in London when I saw a girl, not like any other. She was playing soccer despite the fact that she was wearing a black dress. I could tell it was her passion by the way her body moved on the field and the way she handled the ball. She was gorgeous, stunning really. She had dark brown hair that looked rather long but I couldn't tell because she wore it up. She had the most beautiful shade of light brown skin that resembled caramel. Her body was beautiful, curves in all the right places and she wasn't stick thin. I was thoroughly impressed as I watched her. But she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, falling to her knees and crying, it broke my heart to hear her sobs.

I slowly made my way over to the mysterious girl and knelt down beside her. I couldn't help but to rub her back because she needed to be soothed. Someone had to help her.

As soon as I touched her she flinched away from my hand and looked up to see who it was. She was even more beautiful up close. Her eyes were greyish green with flakes of gold and her lips were bright red from lipstick. Her body looked amazing in that dress. She looked lost and scared. I had to help her, I needed to know her. I felt drawn to her.

*Desi's POV*

I felt a hand brush my back and I couldn't help but flinch. I looked up but couldn't see who it was, I was blinded by tears.

"Hey, it'll be okay," said the mysterious yet comforting man kneeling by my side.

"I-I'm sorry," I said trying to wipe off my tear stained face. "Who are you?"

The boy looked at me as if I were crazy for even asking such a question. "I'm Liam and you are?" he asked.

I took a deep breath before talking, "My name's Désirée, Desi for short. Sorry, I'm not usually like this."

"Stop apologizing love," said Liam still rubbing my back.

I felt weak when he called me love, his deep and milky voice put me at ease. My vision was becoming clearer and now I could make out his face. He wasn't hot, he was handsome; like George Clooney or Tom Cruise handsome; he had sophisticated sexiness. His warm brown eyes reminded me of a puppy's and his smile was so familiar. I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. I squinted my eyes, "you're Liam Payne aren't you?"

He chuckled softly, his melodic voice calming my nerves, "yeah I am, are you a fan?"

I shrugged, "yeah I guess," I said trying not to fangirl as I stood up rubbing the golden necklace that had a cursive 'K' on it that my dad used to wear, between my fingers. I never took it off. "I'll-I'll be fine, you don't have to stay here."

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