Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up in the morning and Liam was still next to me sleeping. I liked waking up to him. He even looked beautiful while sleeping. I carefully got out of bed so I didn't wake him and went downstairs and made breakfast. I was finishing up frying the bacon when Liam walked in.

"Morning gorgeous," he croaked. "Did you make this for me?"

I nodded, "yessir, kind of as a thank you.. for being so patient with me."

He came up behind me and kissed my cheek. "It's worth it," he said and I could hear him smiling. "You didn't wake up last night at all did you?"

"Nope, that's a first. I can't even remember my dream."

"Well that's good," he said with a genuine smile as he made his plate and sat down at the kitchen table with me.

We sat there talking, eating, and laughing. All I could think was 'wow, I could get used to this'.

I showered and got dressed while he watched tv. I came downstairs and sat next to him and texted Eleanor asking when she'd be over and when we were going to lunch. She said around noon. I looked at the clock and we had an hour before she got here.

"What're you doing today?" asked Liam as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Lunch with El in an hour, I don't know what we're doing after.."

"Will you call me after? I have to go to the studio but I don't know when that'll be over."

"Of course," I said with a smile.

The hour went by fast and I was walking Liam out. I gave him a hug and he kissed my forehead. "Bye, love," he said walking away as Eleanor walked up.

"Hello Liam," Eleanor said suspiciously.

"See you later Eleanor," he said politely in his adorable accent. I waved at him as he got in his car and he did the same.

"Desi.." she trailed off.

"Eleanor.." I said mockingly. She raised her eyebrow at me as I rolled my eyes at her, got my car keys and opened the garage. "Where are we going for lunch?" I asked simply.

"I was thinking bdubs (BW3s)?"

"Mmmm, I could eat me some chicken right now," I said in my best ghetto voice. We both burst out laughing as I drove to the restaurant. We sat down in a booth and I knew she was about to ask me a billion questions.

The waiter took our order and came back with it simultaneously. "So.. what's going on with you and Liam?" Eleanor asked getting straight to the point.

I smiled at the mere thought of him. "We're just really good friends." She crossed her arms over her chest knowing I wasn't telling the whole truth. "I like him. At first I tried to push him away but I can't anymore. I feel like he genuinely cares about me but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong."

"I don't think you're wrong. I've seen the way he looks at you," she admitted.

"He's really been there for me since the second I met him. He came to my soccer game, he's been helping me deal with this dad stuff, he's rarely left my side, he even stood up to Chris for me."

"Wait, when did he meet Chris?" she interjected.

"I completely forgot to tell you! Oh my God, it was terrible. We were coming back from their flat and Chris was waiting for me on the porch.. yeah. He wanted to get back together then called me a slut and told me that he's all I have now."

"And where did Liam fit into all that?" Eleanor asked with a confused expression.

"Well when I told Chris that he wasn't all I had left, he asked me what I did have, and Liam answered for me."

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