Chapter 9

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I pulled into my driveway and sprinted inside. "ANTHONY! Please be home!" I cried while falling to my knees.

Anthony looked scared as soon as I laid my eyes on him, I wrapped my hands around his torso. "Dez, babe what's wrong?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and let me cry into his chest.

There was a knock at the door. "Desi please let me in," shouted Liam as he continued to knock.

Anthony moved towards the door, "no!" I yelled. "Please don't let him in," I said quietly.

"Okay," Anthony said, "Liam I think you should leave."

"Please let me talk to her, I have to talk to her," cried Liam.

"I can't let you in right now Liam, I'll talk to you later," said Anthony calmly.

"Just tell her I'm sorry and that it's not what she thinks," Liam sobbed before leaving.

Anthony must've held me for an hour before I mustered up the strength to explain. "He cheated on me," I said bluntly while wiping away my tears. I looked up at Anthony expecting him to look sympathetic except he looked angry. "I want my dad," I cried as I walked out of the kitchen and laid down in my bed.

Chapter 9

*Anthony's POV*

After about an hour she calmed down. "H-he cheated o-on me," Desi explained through tears.

I felt my cheeks flush red with anger as my fists clenched at my sides. I'd never been so mad in my life, how could he do that to her? I'd make him pay.

"I want my dad," she whimpered brokenly while she walked away.

As soon as I saw her disappear around the corner I ran out to the car and pulled into Liam's driveway, luckily the door was unlocked. I found Eleanor and Louis sitting on the couch in the opening room. "Where is he?" I asked with a slightly raised voice.

"Kitchen," said El simply.

I stormed into the kitchen and pounced on him. I had him pinned down on the ground and I was sitting on his stomach. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?!" I screamed as my fist collided with his face.

Liam only got in a few punches but I didn't give him time to answer, I just kept hitting him as hard as I could.

"Oi! Stop!" yelled Louis pulling me off of him. I got in one last hit, straight in Liam's stomach.

"What the hell's gotten into you guys?" Eleanor asked obliviously.

I looked at Liam and through gritted teeth, "why don't you tell them Li? Tell them what you did!" I demanded. Everyone's eyes were on Liam as he slowly picked himself up off the ground. I thoroughly enjoyed the sight of his bleeding and bruised face as he held his stomach. "TELL THEM!" I shouted.

"Desi THINKS I cheated on her.." he said softly.

"Why would she think that?" asked Louis with surprise in his voice as he loosened his grip on me.

"What'd you do?" scolded Eleanor. Liam was just about to speak when Eleanor cut in again. "You know what, I don't have time for this. You don't get it do you? She's in LOVE with you Liam. I can't even imagine the things going through her head right now," she said walking out the door.

"I-I didn't mean to make her think that," he said looking at the ground.

Louis calmly approached him, "tell me exactly what happened.."

Liam started crying, "it was Danielle," he started, "she came over and threw herself at me but I refused. I told her about Desi and she got mad so I told her to leave. I got in the shower and when I came out and dried off, I heard Danielle talking to someone. Danielle was wearing a tshirt of mine and she had no pants on and she was talking to Desi.."

Break Me Out (One Direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz