Chapter 3

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"You cheated on me because I was spending too much time with my dying father!" His eyes dropped to the pavement. "And please don't flatter yourself, you are not all I have left."

"What do you have left then?" he asked spitefully.

"Me," said Liam as he stepped beside me and took my hand in his. "You alright love?" he asked wiping the tears off my face.

I nodded.

"Who the fuck is this? We break up and you find another guy within a month. I always knew you were a slut," Chris said in a gravely voice. I watched Liam's hands ball up into fists so I squeezed the hand nearest to me. "I-I didn't mean that, I'm sorry."

A smirk spread over my face, "you really are sorry. You should leave."

"Bu-," he started.

"Leave," I said looking him dead in the eye. He took another look at Liam and then at me and walked away.

Chapter 3

I opened the front door, releasing Liam's hand and kicking off my shoes. We stood there in silence. "You didn't have to do that you know, you could've walked away too."

"No, I really couldn't have," he said softly.

"Why not? Everyone else leaves."

Liam stood up and walked towards me, stopping less than a foot away. "Stop it, stop lumping me in with everybody else. I'm not leaving you.. I won't leave you," he said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my body into his.

I felt his hot breath lingering over my lips but he wouldn't go that extra inch to kiss me. I couldn't take it, I got on my tiptoes and gently pressed my lips to his. I felt him smile into it and then he pulled me back into a hug. We stood there silently soaking in a perfect moment.

*Liam's POV*

I pulled Desi into my body and I was going to kiss her but I got scared. What if she doesn't feel the same as I do? What if she thinks I'm rushing things? What if-?

Just then my thoughts were interrupted by her soft lips on mine. I was happy she was kissing me, so happy I couldn't contain it. I smiled against her lips and kissed her once more. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around her for a hug, I rested my chin on the top of her head. "You know I meant what I said before Dez.. I won't leave you."

"You promise?" she whispered as she separated her body from mine and looked into my eyes.

"Yes, I promise."

We sat down and watched another movie, Desi fell asleep while I played with her hair so I carried her into her bedroom and laid beside her. I texted Harry and told him I'd be home in the morning.

*Desi's POV*

I'm eight years old and I'm on the beach with my dad only I seemed to have lost him. I looked through the crowd of people in every direction when I spot him, his short black hair shimmering in the sunlight because of the water. I called for him but he must not of heard me because he kept walking away. I began to run after him, screaming, doing whatever I could to get his attention but he just kept going further and further away from me. "Daddy!" I cried, "please don't leave me." I was sobbing and I kept repeating it over and over again until I woke myself up crying.

Almost immediately I felt an arm wrap around me, "shh love, it's gonna be okay," said Liam soothingly. I turned to face him and buried my face in his chest. Liam began to rub my back and I felt his lips press against my forehead, "it's alright babe, I'm here and it was just a dream. You're okay," he whispered.

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