Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up knowing that it was game day and got myself in game mode. I plugged my iPhone into my speakers and played all the songs that get me hyped before a game. I slipped on my uniform and put my hair up in a messy bun. I heard a knock on the door and peeked through the the peephole, to my surprise it was my best friend from America!

"ANTHONY!" I screamed as I

opened the door jumping into his arms.

"Oh God, Desi it's been too long!" he yelled wrapping his arms around me, picking me up, and taking me into the house. He set me down and took a good look at me. "You haven't changed a bit," he said noticing my uniform.

"Oh! I have a game today, will you stand on the sideline and support me?"

"I'd be honored to!" he yelled dorkily.

I filled him in on everything that had been happening and he knew practically everything about Liam and I, supporting our relationship more than anyone. I told him about the scouts at the game and how nervous I was but he reassured me that I'd do great.

We went to my game and I was well aware that there were scouts looking at me but I had to remain calm. I had to believe in myself now more than ever, this game was going to determine whether or not I had a career in front of me doing what I love. I was mad that I had to wrap my wrist up for the game because it was so badly bruised and stiff.

It was down to the last few seconds of the game and it was tied at four and it was our ball.

I ran down the field with the ball faster than I ever had before wanting so desperately to win and that's what I did. I scored the winning goal and the crowd went crazy for me. I had just won the team our championship game.

I sprinted over to Anthony, "YOU DID IT DEZ!" he exclaimed lifting me into the air. He soon brought me down into a hug, "you did it babe, Kevin would be so proud," he whispered.

I instantly started crying tears of joy. Hearing him say that meant more to me than anything knowing that he knew my dad better than anyone else I had left. I squeezed him tighter until my team broke us up, lifting me onto their shoulders and handing me the trophy. As soon as they let me down I was bombarded by the press and scouts. Only one offer stuck out. I had been recruited to play professional soccer in London. I told Anthony and immediately called Eleanor when we got back.


I was soon joined by her scream, "DESI I AM SOO HAPPY FOR YOU! I'M COMING OVER!"

I got in the shower, leaving Anthony in the kitchen.

*Liam's POV*

I was in the crowd. I watched her

play her heart out and win, she did it and I wanted more than anything for her to be in my arms. I knew I had fucked up last night but it killed me me to see her celebrating with another guy. I sat there trying to figure out my next move and how to get her back. I drove to her house and knocked on the door.

*Desi's POV*

I hopped out of the shower and got dressed, I was just finishing up drying my hair when I heard a knock on the front door. "Anthony, can you get that?"

"Of course!" he yelled back. He opened the door and I could hear everything. "Hello, you must be Liam!" he said cheerfully. I had left out the whole club incident when I told him about Liam.

"Is Desi here?" Liam asked rudely.

"Yeah, she just got out of the shower," Anthony explained innocently.

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