Chapter 6

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We pulled up to the beach and unloaded my car. We made a fire and had s'mores and we were all having a great time. I plopped down on the

blanket next to Liam and kissed his cheek while I looped my arm around his. He turned to me and tilted my chin up and kissed me, in front of all of them! I didn't really care though, I had been longing for that kiss all night. I pulled away and looked down nervously with a smile on my face.

"Awwwww shiiiiid, I see you Desi!" exclaimed Eleanor in her 'ghetto' voice. I burst out in laughter I couldn't hold it in.

Liam smiled even wider at me, "what?" I asked.

"Since when do you have dimples?" he asked mischievously.

"Since ever, I have a feeling you'll be seeing them much more," I said kissing his nose.

By the time we got back to my house, everyone was tired so they all crashed there for the night.

Chapter 6

I woke up to Liam laying next to me, I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I was almost to the door when I tripped over a sleeping Niall instantly waking him up. I hit the floor with a loud thud which woke up Liam too.

"Mmmm, what the fuck Desi?" Niall groaned. But it was too late, I had already started laughing hysterically.

"I'm so sorry Niall, I had no idea you were there," I gasped between laughs.

"Dez, Niall, are you two alright?" asked Liam. We both nodded and I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

I found Eleanor and Louis sleeping next to each other on the floor. I woke Louis up carefully so we wouldn't wake El and dragged him out to sit on the back porch.

"What's the meaning of this?" asked Louis sleepily.

"What are your intentions with Eleanor?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"I don't know Dez, I'm starting to like her. I guess it could lead to something.."

"That something better be a relationship.. don't lead her on if you don't plan on being with her. She's fragile. Plus if you hurt her, I'll have to stab you," I said with a straight face walking passed him into the kitchen. Louis stayed outside for a minute probably contemplating whether or not I was serious.

I grabbed my keys and went to the nearest donut shop to buy everybody breakfast, Niall forgave me as soon as he saw what I had brought back. The whole house was up now and everyone was doing there own thing. I noticed Zayn sitting there, not saying a word. "You don't talk much do you?" I asked.

He seemed surprised that I had even acknowledged him, "I talk when I have something to say."

"So you don't like me? 'Cause I've noticed that you never talk around me."

"I don't have a problem with you at all Desi.." he said shifting in his chair. I could tell I was making him uncomfortable so I backed off.

I noticed how sunny it was outside which put me in a good mood. Liam stood next to me and asked me when my next soccer game was. "Oh shit!" I said running to my room nearly tearing off my clothes and not caring that Liam was right behind me.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about another game?" he said sarcastically.

"Not a game," I said pulling a tshirt over my head and putting shorts on. "Just a practice but still." I put on some socks, grabbed my cleats, kissed Liam, and ran out the door. "Lock up when you leave!" I shouted as El waved goodbye.

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