Chapter 1

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Welcome back everyone! Here is numbah two! Thank you to the people who stayed with me and you people know who you are. Please comment in the box below how you feel about this sequel. If you do not like it, I will delete and let my other story live alone for you to enjoy. Thank you and enjoy!! 🌴🌴🌴


I turn to my side wincing in pain then memories of last night flood into my mind.

"Yes, Harry! Give it to me!"

"Oh God!"


I smile at the thought of Harry actually being a top. Never in a million years would I have thought of me being a bottom but the heart wants what the heart wants. Harry groans beside me and turns over.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles-Malik."

"Good morning to you as well, Mr. Styles-Malik." We cuddle close to each other in silence until a maid walks in to bow.

"Sorry to interrupt your majesty but Richard is here."

"I thought he was going to be here at 10."

"He came here last minute saying that he needed for it to be done now so he does not disturb his three o'clock zen."

"Tell him that I will be down in just a second." She stand back up and rushes out of the room. Harry turns back over to me with a frown.

"Love, I-"

"It's okay, I have to get ready for school anyway." I get up to take a quick shower then scramble to get my jeans on. I grab my bag and walk out the door but stop in my tracks when I hear someone clearing their throat.

"Forgetting something?" I turn back around to peck Harry on the lips then walk downstairs to the garage where Sherman stands near the limousine with the door open for me to get in.

"Sherman? Could we take the disguise car? Our marriage is still, kind of, a secret." He hits his forehead with a sigh then runs over to the used car and opens the door for me.

"Please accept my apologies, it seemed to of slipped my mind."

"No problems." He back outs of the driveway heading to the now open gates. He drives down the street and pulls into the school's parking lot.

"Thanks Sherman." He stops me before I can get out of the car and holds up a box.

"What's this?" I slowly open the box while giving Sherman a confused look.

"To hide your wedding ring Master. You did say that your marriage is still a secret."

"Oh, yeah. Good call." I slip the rings on and wave goodbye to Sherman.

"Have a great first day, Master." I turn around and take a deep breath before walking into the building. I take a step then hear a squeal behind me.

"Zayn!" I turn around and see Niall running towards me.

"Niall!" He tackles me in a hug, almost crying tears of joy.

"I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I was only gone for the summer!"

"I know! Our first summer away from each other!" He hugs me tighter, pretty much squeezing my bones into juice.

"Sorry, Harry had plans for us to spend our honeymoon in Disney World."

"And how did that go?"

"Pretty good. He had to wear a disguise because people are obsessed with royals over there! When a girl spotted us near the Magic Kingdom, she went crazy asking for pictures."

"Wow, some honeymoon."

"The food there was great so I'm not complaining." He takes a look at the 4 rings on my hand.

"What's with the rings?"

"They are supposed to keep the attention away from my wedding ring. If people see the rings around it then they will think I'm wearing it for fun. Do you get what I'm trying to say because you look confused?" He snaps out of it and pats my shoulder.

"No, I understand but why do you have a ring that says 'Class of 1979'?"


"Why are you hiding your marriage anyway?"

"We agreed to keep our marriage on the down low because we just don't want everyone in our business."

"I get it. You don't want the public to talk about you because of how young you are."

"What does my age have to do it?"

"You aren't even out of high school and you're already planning the life ahead of you. Some people don't like that, I can imagine how your Mum felt when you told her." I bite at my lip ring then laugh a little at Niall.

"I didn't exactly tell my Mum that I was dating the Prince so I don't think that she'll be ready to hear that her only son, at the age of eighteen, is married to the King of England."

"Why not?"

"She probably won't take the news well or she'll keep bugging me and husband for money."

"You're going to have to tell her some time."

"And when that time comes, I'll have my grave already dug." The bell rings as we walk into the building and Coach Morris spots us down the hall.

"Malik, Horan! Skipping class again, I see." He walks down and grabs us both by the collar.

"It wasn't what it looked like. We were just talking and the bell rang an-" I stop talking when I realise that I'm going no where with this explanation.


"It's like you can read my mind, Malik." He drags up down the hall to the office and sits us in the chair.

"It's like déjà vu all over again, ain't it Zayn?" I grin and look towards Niall.

"This happens to us every year, how are you not surprised?"

"Cheers to traditions!"

"Yeah, cheers to traditions."


"Chin up Harry!" I lift my chin up higher than it already is and try to focus on the stance he has me in.

"Hold the staff up right !" I straighten out the staff with a huff. Why are they making me do this? I've been in the same position for the past three hours!

"You have crooked face, take 5!" He throws the paintbrush down then walks outside to get some air. I groan and kick my feet up on the throne. I understand that my ancestors, past rulers, had to deal with this same dilemma back in the 1800's but why do I have to suffer? I rule in a world where there are such things as cameras and photography. Why can't he just take a picture? It will last longer.

"Your majesty, just a friendly reminder that you have a meeting at 4"

"With who?"

"The council. They said that you must discuss problems with them."

"What's today's topic? Saving the penguins again?"

"No, jumping gibbons."

"Tell them I might be 5 minutes late." She writes on her clipboard and walks back over to the artist's stool. The Richard guy comes back in and rubs his forehead.

"Are you ready to cooperate?"

"Yes. You may continue." I roll my eyes and get back into the position I was originally in. I look and see my long line of ancestors who did the exact same stance that I'm doing right now. I see the empty spot where my picture will go when the painting is finished.

"Chin up Harry!"

If it gets finished that is.

Royal PainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz