Chapter 4

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"I am still fuming!"

"Whoa, calm down. He did you that good last night?"

"What? No!"

"Then what did Harry do to get you all mad?"

"He invited this new girl, Rebecca, and they're together."

"I heard about that! That's so cute what they're doing together." I gasp and hit Niall on the leg.

"What did you do that for?"

"You are supposed to be on my side, Ni!"

"I am but I don't want them to stop doing what they're doing."

"And why not? He's supposed to be married to me."

"Oh! You think that they're d-"

"And what gets me is that he waits until dinner to tell me? Not just me, everybody! The press, our guests, everyone!"

"Zayn, Harry is-"

"I'm still debating whether to cry or to be angry."


"I cannot stand for this!"

"Zayn, you're not liste-" The bell rings and I gather my stuff.

"We'll have to finish this later, Niall. I have to go to detention."


"Why aren't you going?"

"I have a special date with Louis."

"How special?"

"Really special." A car honks behind up and a hand pops out and waves.

"Bye, Nialler."


"It was great talking to you!" Niall jogs to the car while looking back at me.

"Even though you didn't listen to me!"

"Whatever!" I laugh to myself and put my bag over my shoulder. Niall can really make my day turn around for the better. I walk into the building and into the detention classroom.

"Welcome to detention and remember, no talking."

"I know the rules."

"Malik, cellphone, now."

"What? Jefferson never took my cellphone."

"Do I look like Jefferson to you?"


"So, cellphone. Now." I reach for my cellphone in my pocket and hand it to him.

"Take a seat." I sit at a random desk and set my bag down. I take out my journal and start drawing little stuff on my notebook until McGenty walks over to my desk.

"I need some help, Malik."

"With what?"

"Don't ask why just get up and go to my desk." I walk to his desk and stand there. He walks over to the door and looks out in the hallway. He shrugs then shuts the door and locks it.

"W-Why did you lock the door?"

"Because I don't want anyone in here. Stop with the questions." He walks back over to me and puts his hands on both sides of me. He leans in and gets close to my face.

"I saw you and that Niall boy outside together. You two dating?"

"No." I swallow harshly as he moves his hands closer to my side.

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