Chapter 7

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After Zayn walks out, everyone turns to face me.

"Dad? Why did Zayn run out? Everyone messes up a name once in a while."

"I don't have a darn clue." He turns back to look at me.

"Hey, nerd boy? Do you know why he ran out?" His father looks at me with a sly grin and yet again tries to test the waters but I've had enough.

"Yes, I do."

"Oh, really? Care to explain why he called you Harry?"

"Zayn hasn't been truthful lately and it has been all my fault because I wanted to keep it a secret but I feel that I can no longer hide this from my in-laws."

"In-laws? What the hell? You two are married?" His father gives me a disgusted look with a frown.


"So you think you can just whisk my son away from me by marrying him? Why are you so stupid? He's only eighteen!"

"You did not let me finish." I state calmly and wait for him to finish yelling at my face.

"I don't care. You made the worst decision possible and you were just thinking of yourself. You do not understand the hard part of marriage but you will learn. Oh, but you'll learn." I slam both hands on the table, making him stop talking.

"Will stop yapping your damn mouth for ten seconds and let me talk? I understand that you do not want me to be with your son but I am sorry that I have fallen in love with my husband! I cannot help who I fall in love with, no one can! And I am sorry that you cannot understand that!" I push my chair out and get ready to leave. His father is already red in the face.

"And another thing," I pull my hair out of the ball it was sitting up in and let it fall to my shoulders.

"If I'm not mistaken, the police wouldn't be so happy to hear that you disrespected your King."

"How could I have disrespected him if he's not even here?" I take off the glasses and throw them on the table.

"Surprise." His mother and sisters gasp and get out of their seats to bow but his father remains on his feet with a smirk on his face.

"You are a liar."

"Ah." I snap my finger and Paul comes in through the back door. He stands beside me and waits for a signal.

"I'm giving you one last chance to redeem yourself."

"For what? You aren't the King! Kings cannot be as young as you are and they definitely aren't gay!" I snap my finger to Paul and nod. He draws his sword and points it towards Yaser's neck.

"You must bow before your King or suffer the consequences." Paul's deep voice rang through the household as his father keeps still as I walk up to his ear.

"I suggest you bow before me." He slowly gets on his knees and bows. Paul puts his sword away and stands by my side in silence. I turn back to his mother and sisters and help his mother stand up as his sisters take a seat.

"Trisha, you've been a lovely hostess but I can no longer stay."

"I'm sorry about him. Please forgive me."

"There is no need to forgive you for Yaser's mistakes." Yaser gets up about to intrude but Paul draws his sword again.

"I suggest you get back." I turn back to Trisha with a smile. We walk to the living room as I slip on my shoes.

"Thank you for the amazing dinner."

"Anytime, new son-in-law." She smiles and pulls me in for a hug. I grin into the hug and whisper and thank you into her ear. I pull away and smile once more.

"I can't believe my son married a king." She whispers to herself while stepping back with tears in her eyes.

"So does this mean if we try to sleep with you, that would be incest?"


"I'm just asking!"

"Zayn has mentioned a few times that you have a huge crush on me."

"Yeah, but you and him are together now so-" She looks down with a sad smile.

"If it makes you feel better, I know a lot of princes that would be interested in a girl like you."

"Really?" She perks up with a smile.


"Great!" She hugs me with a squeal.

"Before I go, I need for you guys to keep this a secret. Only until I can find a way to tell everyone. Please?"

"No problem, your majesty." All three women nod making me laugh a bit.

"Thank you." I walk out the door and Paul follows behind.

"What a dinner." I turn to him and sigh.

"I know, thank you for having my back."

"I've had your back since your mother found out she was pregnant with her first boy." I chuckle and get into the car. Zayn is looking out the window with tears running down his face.

"Honey?" I set my hand on his knee but he moves it away.

"Zayn, please talk to me." He turns to face me.

"What is there to talk about? I ruined everything! Everyone is going to know and it's all my fault!"

"No, it's no-"

"Yes, it is! I was so caught up in the moment that I said your name and I shouldn't have an-" he shakes his head and cries into his hands.

"I set it straight with your family and everything will be alright." He looks up from his hands.


"Really." He reaches over and pulls me in for a hug.

"You don't understand how much I love you." He mumbles into my jacket, gripping me tighter.

"So? Since I fixed everything, do I still get some?" He pulls away with a scoff.

"Way to ruin a moment, Haz."

"What? You sai-"

"I know! But yo- Nevermind." He wipes his eyes and breathes out.


"Yes. You can "get some" tonight." I raise my fist up in triumph.

Tonight's gonna be a good night.

Hi lovelies! Sorry if you didn't like it. Did you like it? If you did, I love you more than tacos. If you didn't, I'm sorry. I've just been under a lot if stress and I have been slacking off. I don't want to let you guys down but I also don't want to let down others. Please forgive me. It will get better! Until next time......Byeeeeee :3

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