Chapter 3

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I slowly move Harry's hand off my waist and get out of bed slowly.

"Master, do you need clothes?" The maid walks whispering so she doesn't wake Harry.

"A new shirt please." I take a look down at my black jeans and shrug.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She runs out and comes back with one of my shirts. She tries to help me put it on but I shake my head.

"Don't worry, I've got it." I slip my shoes on and grab my bag.

"Sherman is ready downstairs."

"Thank you." I give Harry a quick kiss then walk out to meet up with Sherman.

"Good morning."

"Hi, Zayn!"

"Hey." I give Niall a soft grin and wave.

"What's wrong?"



"No. I had Harry and I's dinner ready for hours but he never came."

"Well, he is a you know."

"I know. I'm just a bit upset from it. I went to bed alone last night."

"That's why you should of listened to me and stayed with your Mum."

"She still thinks I moved in with you."

"I don't want to be the reason why you get cut off from your family."

"I won't. Hopefully they'll understand."

"Sure. Your sisters will murder you for stealing their man."

"Someone wants to be with you?" James walks over to me and grabs my shoulder harshly.

"Look, I don't want any trouble." He gives me a smirk while Niall jumps in and tries to push him off.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Just leave us alone, assholes."

"You call yourselves punks."

"Just because we like rock music and have a bunch of piercings and tattoos doesn't mean we're punks."

"Yes, it does."

"Not helping Niall."


"I think you guys are just a bunch of cocksuckers." I turn around and try to lunge at him but he holds me back.

"Really? I saw those pictures of King Harry on the inside of your locker. Don't try to hide them!"

"Whatever. It's not like you own him." He scoffs and pulls at my shirt.

"I'll have you know, I-"

"Zayn." Niall gives me a warning look and shakes his head.

"What do you have to say that is so important that it must disrupt us from our beating?"

"Please just leave me alone and I won't turn you into the office."

"You really think that's going to scare me?"

"No?" He holds his fist up and smirks to himself.

"You really are a pussy."


"How about shrimp?"

"Your majesty, Zayn does not like shrimp."

"Just cook him something he likes!" I leave the kitchen and walk out to the dining room.

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