Chapter 5

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I run straight for the park and sit at the nearest bench. I start crying to myself then look up at the sky and whisper out.

"Why? That is all I ask." I look back down to a little girl with a polka dot dress.

"Who are you talking to, Mister?"

"No one." The little girl comes closer to me and sits.

"What is wrong? Why are you here all alone?"

"Because I can."

"But why?"

"I don't think my friend likes me anymore."


"Because a stranger did mean things to me then lied to my friend."

"Did your friend believe you?"

"I don't know. I ran away before I could see his reaction."

"Well, if he really is your friend then he will believe you regardless." I turn back to the little girl with a smile.

"Thanks, kid."

"Please call me Gia."

"Well, Gia. You are one smart girl." She gets up with a smile then walks back over to the playground.

"Zayn!" I look over and see Harry running towards me. I quickly jump up and run to his arms as well. We meet half way and pull each other into a warm hug. My eyes start to water again as I cry into his shirt. He pulls away again and looks down at me.

"I know, baby." He pulls me in again as we sit on the grass.

"I'm sorry. I told him to stop but he wouldn't." He shushes me as I hiccup into his shoulder.

"And I knew you wouldn't believe me because he kept telling me that if anyone found me that they wouldn't believe what I would tell them." I cry harder into his shoulder as he rocks me into his lap

"Don't worry, baby. I had him arrested for sexual assault towards a minor and disrespecting authorities." I sniff and look up at him.

"You didn't believe him?"

"Of course not, honey bun. If I believed him, would I be out here trying to get you to stop crying?"

"No." I laugh a little with a soft smile.

"See? There's the smile I wanted to see." I push at him with a frown.

"I can't stand you!" I groan and he gives me a confused look.

"What? Why?"

"Because you're nice and don't deserve a person like me."

"And why not?" I shrug and look down again.

"Because you deserve someone like Rebecca. I hope you two are happy."

"We are really. We raised over 50,000 pounds in this week alone."

"In what?"


"Donations? For what? Your marriage?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday at dinner you said that she was your new partner."

"Yeah, new partner to help me with the 'Save the Gibbon' campaign. What? Did you think we were together?"

"No." My cheeks burn up and Harry starts poking at my sides.

"You did believe it, didn't you?"


"Didn't you?"

"Okay, yes! I thought Parliament wanted to replace me."

"Love, I practically run Parliament now and you are the only one for me." He pokes at my nose making me scrunch up my face.

"I still do want to be married to you so will you be my husband again?" He digs into his pocket and pulls out my wedding band that I threw on the floor. I climb over Harry's lap and pull his face in for a kiss.

"I do." He slides the ring onto my finger and smiles.

"You, Harry Edward Styles-Malik are the best husband anyone could ask for."

"I know." He flips his hair making him seem full of himself.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Impossible." Harry adjusts his body to the side a little to reach for something in his back pocket.

"Your phone is vibrating."

"How did you get my phone?"

"I have my ways." I take it from his hands and slide to answer it.


"Zayn, long time no see!"


"I want you to come home for dinner."


"Tomorrow night is good. Oh! And bring that Marcel lad too!"

"Great! Bye!" I grin with a fake smile into the phone.

"Bye, dear!" I hang up then look back up to Harry.

"Who was that?"

"My mum. She wants me over for dinner."

"That's not bad."

"With Marcel."

"Oh, that's bad."

>>Thank you for reading. I wanted this chapter to be finished before I have to go off to surgery. Don't worry, it is just to get my wisdom teeth out but I'll hopefully be back by next Monday or Sunday. Thank you for being here with me! Love you all! Please comment, vote, maybe follow? Do whatever! Love you again! Byeeeeeee. :3

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