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I went to my class hand-in-hand with Wes. And then, I saw Lizzie run up to me. She saw us holding hands and smirked.

"I see you got the boy of your dreams." she said. "But, congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!"

Wes smiled. "Thanks." he said, with a nod.

"The people at our school are gonna go wild knowing that their rumors are true." said Lizzie.

"Rumors? There were rumors about us being together?" Wes asked.

"Yeah... There has been since Y/N and you were first good friends. They just gossiped about it in secret, though."

"No wonder people have been acting weird when Y/N and I are together."

"We should get to class." I suggested. So, Wes, Lizzie, and I sped to class so we won't be late.

Once we made it, we sat in our seats. And I saw a few girls whispering and giggling. They're gossiping, of course. One of the girls turned to me.

"Is it true that you and Wesley are actually dating?" she asked.

"Yeah, but we have only been dating for a night." I responded.

The girl giggled and turned to her friends. I just ignored them and turned to the teacher's desk.

After school was over, Wes walked me to our quarters.

"So, I had something in mind." said Wes.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Maybe... we should go on another date." Another date sounds nice. I wonder where it will be.

"Yeah! I think we should."

"Y/N, where do you wanna go?"

"Maybe some nice restaurant?" I shrugged. "Just surprise me." I really hope that this pays off. Because chances are that he won't get my dream date right. I want to see if he knows me.

A bit later, I strolled around the starship, wondering what Wes has planned for our date. I can count on him to make the date amazing, though.

I can't wait to see what he has planned.

I know this is a little short but I wanted the date to have its own chapter.

I began watching the original Star Trek series and I kinda fell in love with my beautiful Russian butterfly, Mr. "I can do zat!" Chekov. My lock screen wallpaper is the Anton Yelchin (R.I.P.) version ot him and I'm very happy. But I still love Wesley Crusher!

For the Love of Engineering (Wesley Crusher x Reader) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now