Settling In

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All x Teen! Reader

Starting with this one because it's the easiest to write...

(How you came to stay with them/being found/adopted)

Narrator/3rd POV

   Thomas had left the house to run some errands for a little while. The Sides of Thomas were left at the house, they were all doing their respective activities while alone; Logan was reading on the couch in the living room, Patton was baking in the kitchen, Virgil was sitting on the stairs watching videos on his phone, Roman and Emile were watching Disney movies, Remy is drinking coffee and on his phone next to Logan, Deceit is sitting at the dining room table while reading a book(a recommendation from Logan) and Remus is sitting on the floor in front of Roman and Emile and making certain... obscene comments about the movie playing in front of them.
   Soon the 8 sides hear the original walk up the steps, speaking to someone. As the door opens, Thomas enter the house followed by someone carrying a duffle bag in one hand and a backpack with a strap on one shoulder. "...And this is where I live!" Thomas smiles at them, the sides realizing that they are a teenager, and they return his smile. Thomas closes the door and the teen follows him, they turn and see the 8 sides staring at them.
   "Hey... uh... Thomas? Why are there clones of you...?" Their eyebrow raises in confusion, Thomas turns and sees the sides looking at the two of them. "Oh!! (Y/n), these are my sides!! They are like... aspects of my personality that came to life...? I am not sure myself..." Patton emerges from the kitchen to greet the teen, hoping to make them feel more comfortable. "Hi there kiddo! I'm Patton, but everyone calls me 'Dad'! Its nice to meet you!" Patton smiles widely and the teen seems to relax, they return the smile. "I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you!" Patton's smile increases and gives a small wave before reentering the kitchen to probably fetch his treats from the oven.
   As time progresses, the teen that goes by (Y/n) has met all the sides and is sitted comfortably on the couch between Roman and Emile. The 2 charismatic sides let the newcomer choose a movie for them to watch together. The teen choose (your favorite movie), and is secretly enjoying Remus's comments even though they are much more... amusing then they were before.
   Thomas has disappeared further into the house as he smiles, overjoyed that his personified personality traits are enjoying the new addition as much as he is. He takes (Y/n)'s things up the stairs and into the guest room that he uses for storage. Thomas is secretly glad that the room is finally getting a use out of it, and can't wait to see what the teenager decides to do to it.
   But there is one side that is very unhappy by the nuisance that Thomas brought home. The deceitful side, his proper name unknown, has been glaring at the back if (Y/n)'s head since they sat down. His hat is slightly downward, casting a shadow upon his features. He cannot understand why Thomas brought them here, into their personal space. All he knows is that at least they haven't bothered him yet, perfering to be in the presence of the 'good' sides.
   Deceit is interrupted from his thoughts by a certain father figure sitting next to him with a plate of warm cookies, most likely chocolate chip as that is his favorite to make. "Deceit, is everything alright?" The slimy snake is taken aback by Patton's words, not understanding why they are actually worried about how he feels. But he decides to speak nonetheless, he sighs as he takes one of the cookies and takes a bite. "I CAN understand why Thomas brought them here. They AREN'T a stranger and COULDN'T cause any trouble for us in the future..." Patton smiles slightly and places a hand on Deceit's shoulder, his aura emitting understanding and a sort of fatherly calmness. "I understand your concerns but Thomas made a choice, we should accept that. If there is problems then they aren't to be worried about now, they should be dealt with as they arrive. And we all can help with those problems so you don't have to worry about it, just relax and at least try to get to know them..." Patton pats Deceit's shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen once again, to probably make lunch for the sides.
   Deceit smiles slightly, understanding where the father figure is coming from and decides to take his advice. He stands up from his seat and places his book under his arm, Deceit makes his way into the living room and sits in the recliner. The laughing from the teen eases his worries, and his smile widens. Deceit has a single thought as the movie ends and another is played, 'Maybe they won't be so bad...' And that's the truth...


Sanders Sides x baby/child/teen reader! Scenarios and Oneshots!!!Where stories live. Discover now