Equilibrium (pt.1)

705 13 2

(Def.: ) a state of intellectual or emotional balance; a state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static)

(Logan x Virgil with a 3-6 yr. old kid but they have barely any parenting skills)

(I chose the reader to be 3 to 4 years old, still young but more mature... If that makes any sense)

(Requested by @22jksaraf )

(get ready, this one will be a bit long...)

Logan POV

   One night, as rainy and as dark as my boyfriend, I was returning home from the local book store as a book I became interested in was recently available in my area. I passed many shops, all of which were either closed or extremely empty, with my umbrella in one hand and my book in a plastic bag on the same arm. I soon reached a crosswalk and, of course, waited before crossing. I passed by an apartment complex, hearing what seems to be arguing, in one of the occupied spaces. I roll my eyes and as I pass the front of the building, I hear crying. Not adult crying, but a child crying. 

   I turn my head instantly, curious as to what had occurred to cause such an emotional outbreak. I continue my walk and pass by an alleyway, where the crying seems to be louder then before. I have a brief argument in my head before I decide to take a look, just to make sure the child is okay.

   The rain hits my umbrella a little less as I walk down the dim space between the buildings, the crying continuing. I soon see a box laying on it's side, I crouch down and I almost gasp at what I see; A little (your gender/just kid). They rub the tears out of their eyes and grabs what seems to be a stuffed (your favorite animal/creature), they look towards me and seems to scoot themselves deeper into the box. "Hey, I-It's okay..." I try to calm the little (your gender/just  kid), stuttering out of surprise; what happened that led them to be here? 

   The (your gender/just kid) looks at me with big, doe eyes, their lip jutting out and their arms tightening their grasp on the stuffed toy. "I... I have somewhere you can stay. I can give you food, water, dry clothes..." I know I may get in trouble with the others but the (your gender/just kid) seems to relax a bit and scoots towards me when I say those words.

   I hold my unoccupied hand towards them and they grasp only two of my fingers, the (your gender/just kid) emerges from the box with their stuffed (your favorite animal/creature) in their tiny arms. I move to hold the umbrella over the two of us as I lead us towards Thomas's house, the (your gender/just kid) is slow and eventually they just stop. I turn to them, they look up at me.

   "What's wrong? We are almost there..." The (your gender/just kid) holds their arms up to me, I recognize what they want and a blush blooms across my face. I slowly bend down and take them into my unoccupied arm, they move around and wrap one arm around my neck and the other holds their stuffed (your favorite animal/creature) in the other. They lean up against me and my blush darkens, I shake my head to remove myself from out of my daze before continuing. 

   The house comes into view and I set the (your gender/just kid) down before I open the door, I close the umbrella and shut the door afterwards. The (your gender/just kid) stays near me as I sort myself, I take off of my shoes and put the umbrella in the holder. The (your gender/just kid) stands near me, holding their stuffed (your favorite animal/creature). I offer them my hand, not sure if that's what they want, but they take it none the less. 

   I lead the (your gender/just kid) to the living room, the other sides notice me and the little human. All of them just stare silently, especially my boyfriend, in confusion at the little (your gender/just kid) holding my hand. Patton is the first to walk up to the child, he crouches down to their level and gently smiles. "Hi, my name's Patton. What's yours?" The little (your gender/just kid) hides behind my leg, still holding my fingers and their stuffed (your favorite animal/creature) in their arm. I gently crouch down and the (your gender/just kid) looks up at me, the (your gender/just kid) raises their arms again and a blush blooms on my face. I sigh and comply, slightly embarrassed but hold the (your gender/just kid) none the less. Patton stands up and looks at me in confusion, "one moment please." I walk towards the couch and set the little (your gender/just kid) near the arm rest, where Patton was presumably sitting. As I pull away, the (your gender/just kid) looks up at me and I feel... something.

   "I suppose you have questions..."

   "No shit Sherlock"

   Virgil's response, while vulgar, is understandable and warranted. "I found them on my way home, they were in an alley beside an apartment complex. I have come to the conclusion that they were either abandoned or ran away from home, but they need a place for the night or at least until we find their parents an-"

   A sob resonated through the house, I immediately look to where it came from.


  Patton starts to cry, I sigh and feel something on my leg. I look down and there stands the little (your gender/just kid) looking up at me again, that feeling returns but I still don't understand it. "What?" The (your gender/just kid) raises their arms again and I pick them up, despite already being embarrassed from picking up before. The little human yawns and rubs (his/her/their) eye and hold onto me tightly. As I take the (your gender/just kid) to a spare room to get some sleep, the feeling returns and I'm able to describe it, the pit in my stomach that makes me worry; love.

~~~A few days later & Narrator POV~~~

   After the first night, Logan and Virgil took the little (your gender/just kid) to the police department to figure out if they have any family but there was none that was able to take or even care about the little human. The Sides decided that since the (your gender/just kid), who learned that the child's name is (your name), took a liking to Logan that he should be their main caregiver, at first Logan was against it since he had no previous experience but an event let to him accepting his role...

~~~Flashback & Logan POV~~~

   It was dark and stormy, just like when I found (your name), the wind was howling and (your name) was sleeping. A loud roaring of thunder resonated throughout the house, and a scream along with crying soon after. I immediately stood up and walked to (your name)'s room to make sure they are okay, the crying never ceasing and causing me to worry. 

   I see the door to (your name)'s room is open and I look inside, there I see my dark and gloomy boyfriend comforting the young human; holding (him/her/them) in his arms as he sways and soothes (him/her/them) with calming words and phrases, a look of uncertainty on his face. A smile etches it's way onto my face, and I walk over slowly. Virgil and (your name) notice me, Virgil blushes and (your name) reaches towards me. 


   I look to Virgil as he stares at me wide eyed, I gently take (his/her/their) hand and (he/she/they) hold onto my tightly. "Yes?..." (Your name) looks up at me with big teary eyes, and places their thumb into their mouth as the lean against my boyfriend. "Do... Do you want to sleep with me and Virgil?..." Virgil looks at me in shock but the little (your gender/just kid) nods and gently releases my hand, we make our way to my room, me and Virgil aren't sharing one as of yet, and place (your name) on the covers, "give us a minute (your name)." (He/she/they) nod in response and continue to suck on their thumb, most likely as a method of calming down. 

   Virgil leaves the room to grab some clothes and I take some and head into the bathroom to change. As I leave the bathroom, I run into Virgil in the hallway, who has a look on his face. "Virgil I-" "Save it Logan..." I gulp and nod my head, we silently walk back into the room. (Your name) still sitting up and looks at the door tiredly as we enter, (he/she/they) move to the middle of the bed and continue to look at us. Virgil lays on the right side and I lay on the left, Virgil faces away from us and I sigh. (Your name) looks over at Virgil and then at me, almost understanding. "Lay down..." They do as told and lays there with their thumb in their mouth, I turn of the light and lay down in the darkness.  But for some reason, all I can think about is how cold Virgil was towards me...

~~End of Flashback & Narrator POV~~~

   Logan sighs and closes his book, deciding it would be best to talk to his boyfriend about how he feels towards (your name), hopefully to aid him in understanding. He stands and walks past Patton and Roman, the two of which are playing with (your name), who is silent other then their giggling. Logan smirks and continues on his venture. His smile starts to fade as he walks, worry gnawing at his stomach like a ravenous parasite. Logan knows that Virgil can be... uncouth when it comes to talking about feelings, much like himself. 

   Now Logan actually feels and not just about Virgil, but for (your name) as well. And he wants Virgil to know that because he cares about him so much that he sits up at night and wonders if he is being a good boyfriend or if he is making Virgil uncomfortable or-

   Logan stops right outside Virgil's door, he stops his racing thoughts and takes a deep breath. 

Sanders Sides x baby/child/teen reader! Scenarios and Oneshots!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat