I'm Not Okay(I Promise)

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Virgil x Teen! Reader

Requested by anxiouspit

(Virgil is very secretive about his music because the other sides{mostly Roman} judge/tease him about his taste)

Narrator POV

   The other sides know that Virgil has an... interesting taste in music. Usually, he is ridiculed for his songs with curse words and about depression and more mature stuff. He tends to wear headphones so he can listen to his music without worry, as to keep his anxiety down and to relax.

   But since the newest arrival of the Sanders household, a teenager named (Y/N), and has slowly started to come out of his shell.

Virgil POV

   (Y/N) likes to hang out with the darker sides of Thomas. Why I have no idea but I do appreciate it. Even Remus and Deceit like (Y/N), the old Double Dee himself has been working on his lying as to be more in tune with (Y/N). Remus and (Y/N) are basically inseparable since they are open to Remus's ideas and like to watch him perform despite how intense they tend to get. 

   Lately, I have been feeling much more anxious for the past few days, so I have been locking myself in my room and blasting any edgy song I can think of. Patton occasionally comes in to check on me and brings me food as I tend to lose track of time, and Logan constantly tells me that what I am doing is "unhealthy". I know that it technically is but I.. I can't technically do anything else... Unless I want to have a massive panic attack and cause Thomas to have one too then make a whole mess of everything like I usually do.

   And today is another one of those days, the ones where I lock myself away and blast 'My Chemical Romance' and 'Falling In Reverse' while eating basically junk food I can get my hands on. Usually (Y/N) joins me, for some reason, they like my taste in music. We have bonded over it and it's nice to have someone to share my music with, despite the others not liking it very much.

   That's what we are doing now; Sitting in a pillow fort with as much junk food as we could carry, blasting "emo" songs and screeching lyrics until we run out of energy as pass out. I am currently laying my head on (Y/N)'s lap as they are sitting up and reading a book while my... our music plays in the background, their hand runs through my hair and is slowly pulling me to sleep. I yawn and stretch before turning onto my stomach and burying my face into their lap, shocking them in the process. They let out a chuckle/giggle, "Your insomnia finally catching up to you Virgie?" I nod my head and wrap my arms around their torso as 'House of Memories' starts to play, making me even more sleepy. They set their book down, their attention on me as they grab a spare blanket and lay it over me. They lean back into the mound of pillows and turn off the fairy lights, encasing the room in darkness. I mutter out a quiet 'thanks' as they hum in response, rubbing my hair and back to coax me to sleep. I smile and look up at them, the light from the moon illuminating their face and making them almost glow. "Thanks... *yawn* kid..." I close my eyes for the final time, I hear their response before I fall into a deep sleep.

"No problem brother..."

Sanders Sides x baby/child/teen reader! Scenarios and Oneshots!!!Where stories live. Discover now