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What if one day it was all gone? The memories you had. Friends. Important events. Family. All of what has happened in the last 5 years. Even your friends who you've known. Nothing was the same. It's like your in different universe. A reality you could call it.
'What happened if we got in an accident died tragically
And next lifetime you remembered and had to come after me
And convinced me that we not meant to be that have to be
And like the defending champs you had to win it all back for me'
Mal woke up to an alarm going off? But it was her alarm. She didn't understand. The only alarms they had on the isle was someone yelling or making noise to a certain time. But when she officially opened her eyes, it wasn't her room. It was a room that was much nicer than her room on the isle. Wait! She realized right then she wasn't on the isle. There was nothing this nice. Only if you could wish. Mal was Auradon.

"About time someone woke up."Mal didn't know who that was. She saw the person but didn't know them.

"Come we have a meeting in a hour ad we still have to eat breakfast and be ready."Breakfast. She only had breakfast if she actually found food or saved food in the morning.

"Mal, come on."Ben gave her a look.

"Are you okay? We can have the meeting rescheduled and just have breakfast in bed."
Breakfast in Bed. Something she doesn't ever remember doing in her life.

"I'm perfectly fine. I just had a weird dream. Wait for me outside of the door."Ben nodded and closed the door on his way out.

'Am I living a weird dream right now? Am I being punished for something and waking up in a reality that don't make sense? Did I cast a spell that made me forget?'Mal thought to herself.

Mal went into the closet that had to be bigger than the one on the isle. She picked out the first thing she saw. A strapless dress that went to her ankles. She grabbed some boots that she thought matched and looked at herself.

'Am I suppose to be living here? Is this real?'Mal thought to herself again but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
"Are you ok in there?"Ben asked.
"Yeah I couldn't find my shoe right now. I'm coming out right now."Mal lied. Okay she did have her shoe and was coming out. She didn't know what was happening was real or not.

"Hey are you feeing okay? If you want I can handle the meeting."Ben suggested but Mal declined. She had to act like she knew what the meeting was about.

Once they reached the dining room, there was six other people at the table. Well eight since Belle and Adam sat down.

"Ben, why does Mal look like she doesn't know what's going on."Evie whispered to Ben.
Ben. That was name.

"She's fine. She's tired and had a weird dream."Nice lie Ben. Evie nodded and left the subject alone.

"Let's dig in. It's our last breakfast with all of us here for now."Ben said. What did he mean for now Mal wondered.

"Toast to Mal and Ben getting married in a few months and Jay and Lonnie engaged. Evie and Doug getting a bigger starter caste to live in. Jane and Carlos finishing college. And to me and Belle moving to starter castle also."Beast said. 'Toast' everyone said clinking their glasses together.

"Mal, so have you and Ben figured out the number of of bridesmaids and groomsmen."Evie asked. Mal had no idea and wanted Ben to speak up for her but he didn't.

"We were thinking our best man and maid of honor and just one bridesmaid and groomsmen."Mal answered.

"And we were waiting to tell you of who we choose but might as well."Ben said as he took a hold of Mal's hand.

"Evie, Jay we want you to be our maid of honor and best man."Evie squealed with happiness. Jay came over and hugged Ben and Mal.

"And Doug, Lonnie we want your guys to be our groomsmen and bridesmaid."Mal said.

"Sorry Carlos,Jane. We just thought it out his way."Carlos nodded and didn't need an apology from them.
They started to joke around and laugh more before they had a meeting.

"Well I hope we get together again but we have a meeting to get to.'Ben said. Everyone had said their goodbyes.

"Mal, you been quiet all morning. Are you ok? I can have come check on you if you want."Mal had assured him she was fine and the dream just look an effect on her. They walked down the hall into the meeting room where Aurora, Phillip,Cinderella, Henry,Snow white, Rapunzel, Eugene,Nareen,Tiana, Aladdin,Jasmine, and some of their kids were.

"Good morning everyone. Does anyone have their concerns to share with us?'Ben asked as him and Mal sat down.

"It's not really a concern but we've seen more of the isle kids do more of the sports than kids here."Aurora questioned.

"Well, since we made Aziz coach in Tourney, the isle kids i believe they grown to like him and want to be on the team since they like him but if they don't actually know, than, I will have Aziz cut them off."Ben said.
"We don't have a problem with that. We're Glad they're on the team.'Ben continued to talk more about other issues but Mal couldn't stand be here.

"Ben. I'm getting a bad headache. I think i'm going to go lay down."Mal whispered in Ben's ear.
"I'll be done soon and I'll meet you up there."Mal nodded and excused herself and went up to 'their' room. Mal's head was pounding and couldn't keep eyes open and passed out in the room.

"I'll be done soon and I'll meet you up there."Mal nodded and excused herself and went up to 'their' room. Mal's head was pounding and couldn't keep eyes open and passed out in the room.
So the first chapter should give you a clue where I'm trying go with this. If not by the next chapter you should. Anyways hope you like it. Favorite/Follow/Review. Go check out my other stories. Enjoy.
A/N: I'll be uploading my FanFiction.Net stories onto here and updating them.

What is lost but remembered ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें