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Sorry I haven't updated in a month. Hope you having fun in quarantine and being safe. Now, let's get to the story.
Mal was at Evie's starter castle, getting herself ready for the big day. Evie on the other hand, was making sure Jane had everything under days like this, something always could go wrong.

"Evie, everything here is fine. You don't have to keep checking on me."Jane said into the phone as she was trying to guide everyone at the same time.

"Jane, call me if anything happens. I will rush over there if anything goes wrong."Evie said as Jane ended their conversation.

"E, have you seen my mascara? It needs to be the waterproof one."Mal called out as she was emptying her makeup bag searching for it.

"Are you sure you packed it with you? I can have Lonnie go over to the palace and get it."Mal nodded and Evie was once again trying to be the best bride of honor ever.

"Mal, before I forget I got you a present. Here, open this."Evie said as it was a small purple box. Inside, there was a picture of Mal's sister and her before she died.

"Evie, this is amazing."Mal said as she was starting to tear up a little.

"It's a good thing your using waterproof mascara today. Your going to be have tears in your eyes."Evie joked as she was going to start doing her own makeup.
Lonnie arrived to the palace to see video games were on the tv but nobody was playing them. The boys were nowhere to be seen. Lonnie came for one thing and now was going to find where Ben, Doug, and Jay. She didn't if Carlos came over or not but now she had a mission to do.

"Ben? Doug? Jay? It's Lonnie."Lonnie called out as she started looking through each of the room in the castle.

"Lonnie?"She turned around to face Jay with no shirt and his pants were on backwards.

"Jayden Max, what happened here?"Lonnie yelled which Ben and Doug came out, half asleep. Nobody wanted to answer.

"If nobody answers me, Evie and Mal will get a word of this."Lonnie threatened which the boys snapped out and told her. There was a party thrown ,which they slept with someone who wasn't their girlfriend /soon to be bride.

"Now, the three of you clean this place up and get ready for the wedding. Or did you forget after sleeping with a different girl?"Lonnie was furious at time. She went to Mal and Ben's bathroom to get the rest of Mal's makeup she might need and leave before she does something she'll regret.

Once Lonnie left, the boys knew they were in trouble as Lonnie as Lonnie could tell Mal and Evie at anytime she wanted.
Mal's makeup session continued as she did her mascara and eyeshadow thanks to Lonnie getting her makeup. Evie, on the other hand knew something was wrong with Lonnie as she finished her makeup.

"Lonnie, spill. Something obvious happened when you went to get her makeup."Evie said.

"It's nothing. It's their animals and don't know how to clean unless told to."Lonnie lied as she was now starting her makeup as everyone else did their hair. Evie went to the other room to call Jay went any of the other girls knowing.


E:Jay, I know something happened and Lonnie won't tell me.

J:I swear nothing happened

Evie could hear the boys cleaning and yelling at Jay to shut up.

E: If I do find out, just know the three of you are dead.

Somehow the boys always managed to mess up somehow.
Jane actually had everything under control thanks to Carlos. Carlos had brought Jane's dress over to the Auradon Cathedral. Carlos helped with getting the decorations perfect. Carlos made sure everything was perfect. Now guest would be arriving, Hades would arrive soon as he would walk his daughter down the aisle, the groom, the groomsman, best man, bride, bride of honor, and bridesmaid would all be here soon as everything would be coming into plan. Mal, Evie, and Lonnie arrived taken into a separate area where they would get dressed and wait for the wedding to start. Ben on the other hand was nowhere to be seen.

"Jane?"Adam called out.

"Yes,sir?"Jane answered.

"Do you know where Ben is? He should've been here already. "Adam said as Ben was late to his own wedding.

"I'm sure their on their way over here. Just relax while I go talk to Evie."Evie wasn't going to be happy Ben was late to his own wedding. As Jane predicted, Evie was furious Ben was late and everything now was not into their plan now. Lonnie was in the room calming Mal's nerves down as Evie was now going to call the boys. According to Jay, they were rushing out right now and would be here in five minutes.

"Mali, you look so beautiful."Hades said as he came to check on his daughter.

"Dad."Mal said and hugged him before Evie came back into the room.

"E, why hasn't the wedding start? Isn't Ben already out there?"Mal asked.

"Ben is on his way Mal. Nothing is going to ruin this day."Evie said as the wedding could finally start since Ben arrived.

Celia and Dizzy walked out first, throwing roses on the ground before Evie and Jay came out followed by Lonnie and Doug. Ben was nervous. But the most precious moment of all was Hades walking his daughter down the aisle. Everybody was smiling as Mal walked down. Even Audrey was smiling. Uma,Harry, Gil, Squeaky, and Squirmy were in the front smiling. Jane and Carlos were right next them as Freddie, Carlos's cousin Diego, Hadie, everyone of Doug's brother and cousins, Li Shang Jr, Jordan,Aziz,Arabella, and even Chad. The next row consist of Zeus, Hades, King Arthur, etc. Everybody who was family of friends of from Auradon was here. The wedding of the lifetime.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Mal and Ben and will be united as one as today we are making Mal queen will start with making Mal queen."Fairy Godmother said.

"Mal,Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign along side King Ben?"Fairy godmother said

"I do solemnly swear."Mal answered.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new queen."Fairy godmother said as everybody cheered.

"Now, I call on our King and Queen as they exchange vows to each other."Ben and Mal looked at each other as Ben spoke.

"When I first saw you, we had a connection in our eyes. I dreamed our love would never be lost and we would be together ruling side by side. I knew I wanted to be with you as our crazy adventures somehow bring us closer. "Ben said.

"Ben, I saw that connection. I never thought I would be able to love as my mother said it was weak. It's not weak because I found the one who I want to be saving me, going on crazy adventures, talking to when life gets rough sometimes. Your the only I can dream of being with."Mal said.

"As the bride and groom exchange these rings, they will never be alone and forever united. May I have the rings?"Fairy godmother said.

"Repeat after me I,Benjamin Florian, give this ring as a symbol of love that will be cherished forever as long as we rule side by side and till I die."Ben repeated as told.

"Mal,repeat after me. I, Mal Bertha, give this ring as a symbol of love that will be cherished forever as long as we rule side by side and till I die."

"Ben, do you love Mal willingly and completely, withholding nothing? Will you protect her, and give her your deepest considerations of her feelings, desires and needs?Will you strive to keep your love flexible and adapt to changing circumstances in the marriage? And will you be Mal's counselor, helpmate, sweetheart & lover, an dher best friend, from this day forward?"Fairy Godmother told him,

"I do."Ben smiled. Mal repeated the same thing as I do was said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I pronounce King and Queen of Auradon, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kingsley."Everybody was cheering them on. It was like a dream coming true. After all, nobody could say no to a party as it was the best night ever.
So I looked up Jay's last name and it gave me Max so just if your wondering. Longes chapter I ever written but next chapter will be the final chapter.

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