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How are you feeling, Mal?"Fairy godmother asked Mal as she volunteered for these sessions.

"I'm doing ok. I'm still processing everything that has happened in the last week."Mal said.

"Why don't we start with your mother? What type of relationship did you have with her?"Fairy godmother asked to start their session off.

"Me and my mother never had the best relationship. Growing up on the isle was you being in survival mode. If you lived with my mother, you were surviving hell. She wanted me to prove I can be bad just like her but every time I tried, it resulted in my being yelled out, locked inside of my room, starved or beaten."Mal explained.

"Why can't you ever do exactly what I say. I ordered you to go after Evie. Not become friends. On the ground Mal."Mal was only 11 years old. She got on her her hand and knees like her mother ordered and Mal was whipped. Her back was filled scars that nobody had ever saw. Her friends questioned her about why she would act funny but ignored and changed the subject.

"She kept me from my friends if I didn't do something I was suppose to do."Mal told her.

"Mal, I need you to go to the market and get some bread and apples. And make a stop at the docks. Next shipment is suppose to be coming in soon."Maleficent said.

"But I was going to go with Jay for a little bit."Mal protested. She was 12 at the time.

"You can go with your so called friends once I am satisfy what you Bring back."Maleficent said. Mal grabbed her jacket and shoes and went to the docks first. She got whatever food, art supplies and anything else that could interest her mother and stopped by the market on her way back to the castle.

"All you could get was meat. Mal, what am I going to do with meat? It's not enough. I expected you to get different kinds of food. Go to your room."Maleficent yelled. Before Mal knew it, Maleficent had her goons show up and her beat her daughter a litle before they threw her in her room as Maleficent's orders.

"Did anybody ever help or question you about the beating?"Fairy godmother questioned as Mal continued. with her story.

"Jay sometimes asked me why I kept holding my ribcage and I think he figured I had a broken rib. If I was sick, Jay was there to take care of me. He was there most of all."Mal explained.

"I'll be okay. Maybe Jay won't notice the pain I'm in today."Mal told herself as she grabbed her school bag and went to meet up with Jay at his father's shop.

"Hey Mal."Jay greeted her and hugged her a little tight for her liking.

"Hey Jay."Mal greeted back in slow breaths, her ribs killing her.

"Mal, you know you can tell me if something happened right?"Jay asked, which she nodded in response.

"I'm totally find. Let's just go to school."Mal said as they headed to dragon hall.

During PE which was a class of playing dodgeball and seeing who could hit the ball the hardest, Mal was holding her ribcage and hissing. She forgot her mother had left an open wound on her abdomen.

"Mal, do you need my dad to clean your wound. I know your in pain."Jay told her but she shook her head.

"I'm a big girl. I can last."Mal said not even noticing a ball coming right at her, making her clutch her side even more and cry in pain.

"Let's go. Nobody's going to care if we're here or not. You need help and that's where were going."Jay said as he carried Mal out of the 'gym' and back to his father's shop.

"Dad, I need help with Mal."Jay called out. His father flipped the sign to close to see Mal in pain.

"I think her rib's broken and she has an open wound."Jay said. Jafar nodded an lifted Mal's shirt up to see an wound that required stitches and a bruise that needed icing.

"This will hurt a little bit, Mal. I need you to be strong."Jafar said as he stitched Mal up.

"Put Mal in your room and let her rest."Jafar told Jay. He wish none o this would've happened of to Mal.
"Where was your sister during all of this?"Mal took a deep breath and knew she had to tell somebody soon.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."Mal shook her head.

"I need to tell someone. Melissa was a year younger than me. She usually did something to make mother ma but I took the blame. I couldn't let her get hurt. Melissa stood with Hades sometimes but it was bad. Melissa watched as I got punished for whatever. Melissa never knew it had got that serious that Jay had to help me. Melissa wasn't allowed to talk to me when my mom sent me to my room or kept me from my friends. But I knew when Maleficent yelled at her for going into her spell book and finding out about her magic, I couldn't just stand there. But mother wouldn't listen. I watched her die."Mal explained as she started crying a little.

"What do you think your doing with that? You know not to touch stuff that doesn't belong to you."Maleficent yelled.

"I was just looking at it."Melissa explained but mother wasn't haven't it.

"I let you have it easy. But you go looking through my stuff." Maleficent screamed which made Melissa scared a little.

"Mom, I gave her it."Mal tried t but in but her mother wasn't listening.

"Goons, take her to the basement. Take Mal also. I think it's time for everyone to listen."Maleficent said as Melissa was dragged and chained in the basement while the goons put Mal in a chair and tied her wrists down.

"Now this punishment is going to be slow. I hope you have fun watching Melissa have a slow painful death."Maleficent said as she stuck some kind of liquid into Melissa's arm and Mal screamed and told her mother it wasn't her fault.

"You can't cover up for her,Mal. Now I'll be back soon."Melissa's eyes were closing slowly, her body was getting cold.

"Mal, I'll love you forever. Thank you for being the best big sister ever."Melissa said as she gave a smile and her eyes closed officially. Her little sister was dead and there was nothing she could do.

"I couldn't stand to be with my mom after that. So I ran to my dad's lair and told him what happened. He was sad about what happened and didn't want me to go back to my mom. But Maleficent always had her way. I was mad. Sad. Anything I did wasn't me in my right mind. My mother ruined that forever. Now I think how she could've got chosen to go to Auradon also and we wouldn't have to live with my mother anymore."Mal said as she wiped a tear off her face.

"What do you wish was different?"Fairy godmother said.

"Melissa was still here. I wouldn't have to remember what our mother put us through."Mal said.

"How do you think this leads back with your ordeal with your friends and mother?"

"My mother always had to be in control. That's what happened. She controlled Melissa. She controlled me. I still feel like she's controlling me. But now I'm in control. She can't control me anymore."Fairy Godmother smiled.

"I'm proud of you Mal. You finally got this off of your chest. Now go worry about your wedding, Queen."Mal smiled.
So we got to see Mal's childhood and Melissa a little. Mal finally got everything off her chest. Now,stay tuned for Ben and Mal's wedding.

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