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'What happened if we got in an accident died tragically
And next lifetime you remembered and had to come after me
And convinced me that we not meant to be that have to be
And like the defending champs you had to win it all back for me'.
A few minutes after passing out on the floor Mal had finally woke up. All she knew was she had to wake up from this horrible dream. None of it could.

A meeting with the royals. Belle and Beast. auradon. Food that wasn't shitty and old. A dream she lived in possibly.

She walked over to the bathroom that connected to the room and splashed cold water on her face.

Play the part Mal. Not hard. Pretend you know what's been going. Try. Mal Thought to herself.

"You feeling better.?"Ben asked as he came into view.

"Yeah. Ben can I look at something?"Mal asked.


"I want to look at the isle records."Mal requested.

"Um sure. Is there a particular reason?"Ben questioned.

"No.I just want to look at them. They're my people also."

"Our people."

"Can you show me them?"

"Yeah I'll show but then I got a meeting."

Once Ben was out of the room, Mal started looking for the files containing her and her friends.

Maleficent 'Mal' Bertha
Started school at auradon Prep:08/24/15

"How do I not remember this?"Mal put her file away and decided to look for everyone else. Theirs were the same as hers. Everyone from the isle had started in the past year. She had no memory of going to Auradon classes with her friends. Becoming friends with Evie fully. She didn't remember anything. It's like someone had took them away from her. Mal decided to put the files away and walk outside. She needed to clear her head.

Somehow she ended up at the enchanted lake. But how would she know where if her memory was gone.

"Why can't I remember? Is this really and someone is putting me through a nightmare. Help me please."She pleaded out loud. What she she didn't know is Hades was listening to her.

Hades had run back to the beast castle. Ever since the barrier was lifted Belle and Adam had accepted Hades into their family and offered him a room to stay in. Hades accepted the offer but still went back to the isle from time to time. But right now, he was at the beast castle looking for someone. Some part of the beast family. Someone had to know what was going on with her. Hades knock on the Belle and Beast's room of right now since they were to be moving into more smaller homes.

"Hades. Is everything alright sir?"Belle asked as she opened the door, seeing Adam was sitting on the bed packing their stuff.

"I need to talk to you and Adam."Belle opened the door wider to let him in.

"What's going on?"Adam asked as he put the suitcase on the other side of the room.

"I was walking back over here and decided to take a walk near the enchanted lake. Wanted to see the view. But I heard Mal talking."Adam and Belle's eyes went up in concern.

"She said "Why can't I remember? Is this really and someone is putting me through a nightmare. Help me please."Hades told them.

"Something's wrong."Adam said.

"Mal could be under a spell we don't know about. We don't tell Mal we know but we need to tell everyone."Belle said.

"Ben needs to be notified but he cannot tell Mal. Any more signs and we'll get fairy godmother."Adam said. Hades nodded and walked to go find Ben. Mal wasn't back in the castle so he could find Ben without Mal knowing.

"King Ben."Hades said catching his attention. Ben put his pen down and turned around.

"Have you noticed anything off with Mal?"Hades asked.

"I mean she was acting a little weird at breakfast. She didn't remeber anyone's name at first or my name but maybe her dream affected it."Ben told him. Maybe it made sense. Forgetting people's name but a dream shouldn't be involved in it.

"I heard Mal earlier. Saying Why can't I remember? Is this really and someone is putting me through a nightmare. Help me please.' I'm worried Ben. My baby is confused."Hades said. Ben sighed.

"Who knows about this?"Ben questioned.

"Only your parents and of course us now. We're going to let the others know but we cannot tell Mal."Hades said.

"If Mal finds out, she's going to make it her mission to make sure she's fine and not have everyone around her wondering."Hades explained.

"We need to look at the signs. Anything Mal is confused about we know something's wrong. I need to call everyone and tel them to be here in an hour. Tell my parents we'll meet in a hour."Ben told him and Ben thanked him for he information. Hades smiled at his future son in law and walked to go tell Adam and Belle the news.

"I do better mom.I try to be more good."Twelve year old Mal told her mother. Slap.

"You think being good would make me happy. If you ever turned good you don't what is coming for Mal."Her mother screamed at her.

"I just want to live fine."Mal said.

"Love is a weakness Mal. You of all people should understand that. If you ever found love Mal, I would end you with all of my power."Maleficent yelled.

"Now I know why dad left us. He loved me but is what weak. You made dad leave us."Mal said.

"Be careful Mal. You dad left because he did. Who knew if he ever loved you? Bu honest and think about that."Maleficent yelled.

"I wish you were never my mother. I wish I never lived with you. I wish dad took me with him hen he left. Maybe I wouldn't be so abused everyday fucking day."Mal grabbed Mal by her arms and ragged her to the basement underneath the castle. She had mad her henchmen tied Mal up, duct tape her mouth and finally to make sure she wouldn't get away put chains on ankles.

"You should've been more careful. You don't know what's coming for you but it's not a happily ever after."

Mal was officially awake now. All she knew she was still at the the enchanted lake. She had fallen asleep and after that nightmare she had, she knew she had to go back. If she knew had to get back to the palace.

I had wrote the beginning of this chapter like three times because I didn't know how to start it. But next chapter we'll see everyone meting and her finding her way to the palace. You can also find this on FanFiction.Net under 22.justice

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