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So this is the last chapter and there will not be a sequel to this. There will be a time jump in the chapter. Thank you to every who has read it and enjoy the last chapter.


Mal was now the queen of Auradon, which was a huge responsibility to her. And being a mother was also a huge responsibility to her too. Wait let me back up here. About 6 months after the wedding, Mal had felt sick and knew there was a chance there would be a future heir to the throne if she was feeling this way. Surely, enough she was right and soon there would be a new princess or prince. Everyone knew being pregnant wasn't fun since your tired, sick, and crave all kinds of foods but Mal wasn't any of those. Mal wanted to do her daily responsibilities as queen and if someone didn't let her be, she blew fire on them, Literally.

"Mal, that's the fifth person you have burned with fire. you can't keep doing that to everyone who wants you rest instead of working." Ben told her..

"You don't expect me to sit in bed, eat a bunch of food and get fat. Do you Ben?" Mal yelled.

And that's why when Ben tired to reason with Mal, he was the sixth person to get burned by Mal's fire. So that's how she expressed her mood swings.

But that wasn't all. The boys were stupid enough to try to get Mal to hang with them she was working.

"Hey Dragon girl or should I say Dragon momma."Jay chuckled before earning a glare from Mal.

"So did you want to come with us to watch a movie?" Jay asked.

"Leave me alone."Mal said.

"Come on Mal, once the baby's here it's going to have your attention and no time for us."Carlos said.

"So take a break from work and hang out with us."Jay told her before being punched in the face.

"Just leave me alone."Mal shouted before resuming whatever she was doing.


As the days that led up to the baby's arrival, Mal had to stay in bed and only get up to eat or use the bathroom. Anything else, Ben or the servants would have to get. But that was the worse for everyone. Mal was constantly yelling or arguing with someone because they brought her the wrong thing.

"I told you to bring me my color pencils that are on the desk in my office. I don't even own a pair like these ones."Mal argued with one of the servants.

"Queen Mal, their still color pencils."

"I want the ones off my desk." Mal said as she tried to stand up when her water broke.

"We're never doing this again Benjamin." She shouted as they welcomed a baby girl named Raine Lianne Kingsley.

"Get me Ben or someone. I'm in labor." Mal screamed as the servant ran out to find Ben.

"Mal what's going on?" Ben asked as he saw Mal clutching her stomach.

"We're having a baby." Mal said before getting carried out by the paramedics seconds later.

Once it was getting closer Mal kept yelling at Ben.

"We did it Mal. We have a beautiful princess."Ben kissed Mal on the head before looking at Raine in Mal's arms. It was the perfect family ever.

After a week in the hospital, Mal was finally glad to be home with her family and friends. Everyone had came to visit their niece and granddaughter since they really didn't get to in the hospital.


16 years later

Mal was literally so close into turning herself into a dragon as Raine was pushing her buttons so bad. Raine was talking back at any chance she got when she was with Mal but if it was Ben. She listened to him and didn't talk back.

"Raine Lianne Kingsley, if you dare talk back to me one more time, I will be taking all of your electronics and you seeing your friends away." Mal threatened.

"Like I care."Raine grabbed spray paint from her room and spray the family portrait that was in the Hall. That's when Mal had to tell herself to not kill her own daughter even she was driving her crazy.

"That's it. Give me your phone, computer, every electronic you have right now." Mal exclaimed. Raine marched up to her room and got all of her electronics to her mom and slammed it on her. Raina was just like Mal when she was a teenager but worse.

Mal had locked all of her electronics in her office and tried to clean their portrait but no luck on getting the spray paint off. Mal had taken a break from her royal duties to keep an eye on Raine as everyone was saying she was being a troublemaker and driving them nuts. Now Mal had a taste of it and was officially done with this act of hers. Raine was suppose to become queen in the next year but wasn't prepared for it.

Once Ben had walked into the doors, he saw Mal cleaning their family portrait that had spray paint on it.

"What happened?" Ben asked before giving his wife a kiss.

"I don't know ask your daughter since she's not willing to talk back and slam the door on you." Mal said before Ben had pulled her back from the portrait.

"I'm going to talk to her while you sit down and relax with a nice cup of tea." Ben said as he escorted Mal tot he kitchen before going to his daughter's room.

"Raine? Can I talk to you?" Ben said as he knocked.

"What?" She answered.

"First calm down your attitude and second we need to talk about this act of yours that's been going." Ben said as he closed the door before sitting on the bed with his daughter.

"Why are you talking back to everyone? I come home to find your mother trying to clean our family portrait and your mother saying you slammed the door on her. What's up with you?" He asked.

"Kids at school think I'm to nice so I tried being different. I guess I took it too far. I'm sorry dad." She said.

"Hey, don't ever think you need to be different. Your perfect the way you are. But now, you are in charge of cleaning the portrait and apologizing to your mother." Ben told her before escorting her down out the room. Mal was in the kitchen drinking tea and listening to music before turning it off when Raine walked in with Ben.

"I'm sorry mom. I tried to be different than this nice girl I am. I didn't mean to take it out on you."Raine hugged Ma before smiling at her mother.

"I forgive you but are you cleaning the portrait?" Mal asked.

"Yes, I'm on it right now." Raine grabbed the cleaning supplies before earning a chuckling from her mother.

Motherhood wasn't so bad, Mal thought.


I hope you guys liked the final chapter. I'll probably make a one-shot to when Raine becomes queen but that will be it. Thanks for reading and check out my other stories.

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